Sunday, September 10, 2017

Surviving The Storm, Proverbs 10:25

Surviving The Storm

Proverbs 10:25 When the storm has swept by, the wicked are gone but the righteous stand firm forever.

As I write this, hurricane Irma is bearing down on the Florida Keys. This massive category 4 hurricane has created havoc across the Caribbean and into the southern US. In the wake of its path. much destruction and mayhem has occurred including on the of Barbuda, a very small island nation of around 2000 people. After the storm swept by the destruction is quite evident. Homes and businesses are completely gone. Over 90 percent of the nation has been destroyed! Amazingly there are very few deaths. God is to be praised for his protection.

As the storm tracks across into the United States, we will soon see how well built the structures have been built. Will they blow away and be gone, or will the stand firmly upon their foundations?

K and A, This is so true in your lives as well, especially spiritually. Jesus spoke about the wise and foolish builders who built on sand and stone (Matthew 7:24 - 28), and how, if you build your life on Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith (Hebrews 12:2), you can continue to stand or if you build on sandy ground that gets swept away when the storms of life get rough, you are swept away. So daughters, build your life on Jesus, follow his commands, and seek him with all your heart, mind and soul (Mark 12:30), and he will protect you against the storms that come into your life no matter how small or how great. Remember this; the storms will still sweep by, but you need not fear them for you shall stand firm in your faith to live another day.


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