Monday, September 25, 2017

Refreshing, Proverbs 25:25


Proverbs 25:25 Like cold water to a weary soul is good news from a distant land.

Ever felt parched, yearning for a drink to refresh yourself? You work long hours in the hot sun and feel drained. Then, some kind soul comes and offers you a drink. Ahhhh, cool water. Your thirst has be quenched, and you are strengthened, life will continue. You feel all good inside.

I know some people who have relatives in Puerto Rico. For days since the hurricane ravaged the island, they have not been able to make contact. When the phone call finally comes through, when the news of their safety is relayed to my friends ears, oh what joy will ensue! Their spirit will be lifted, life will continue. They will feel all good inside.

A and K, that is how I feel when I hear of your faithfulness to Christ and his work. When the good news told to me by those who see you live out your faith,  keeping from the ways of the world, then will my heart rejoice. Sometimes, I wonder if you are faithful. Are you conforming to the pattern of this world (Romans 12:2) or wholly devoted to holy living (1 Peter 1:14-16)? Then a post comes across my FB newsfeed with your name on it. If, I see bad language, sexual innuendoes, or you in some way being comfy with the world or its pleasures, I become sad. I am hurt being cut to the heart, knowing that in some way I have failed you. Where did I go wrong? Are you being pulled away from the Lord by the temptation to be like those around you?

Oooh, but when I see something on Facebook that shows your devotion to Christ, my heart flutters! Joy fills begins to fill it and my soul is restored. I get all happy knowing that you get it. You chose to take a stand against all that so easily entangles (Hebrews 12:1) and have filled my heart with gratitude toward God. I am sure he is pleased with you as well. My soul has been lifted, life can continue and I feel all good inside.


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