Thursday, September 14, 2017

What's Wrong With It, Proverbs 14:12

What's Wrong With It

Proverbs 14:12 There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.
Amazing How Far We Have Fallen

It is easy for us to think that what we are doing is acceptable. If it does not vary from what we have been told as we were growing up, we believe there is nothing wrong with it. In today's society, we have seen our morals deteriorate, and those caught in the grasp of sin cannot see anything wrong with what they are doing. Even in the church, there is sinful and harmful practices. Less than twenty five years ago many of the holiness and conservative churches taught and had rules against drinking, dancing, swearing, shopping or eating out on Sunday, R-rated movies, gambling, and on and on. Previous to that were card playing, TV, going to the theater, and many more "worldly" practices.

So, what went wrong? How have we gotten to this place? How did we go from being holy and pure to allowing divorce and remarriage, homosexual marriage performed by homosexual pastors, and living with your boyfriend or girlfriend, sex outside of marriage? How did we go from leaving secular music to bringing it into the church? Simple... There is a way that seems right to a man... We think that if it doesn't feel wrong than it is okay to do. But, that is a trick of the Evil One.

A and K, how are you going to live? Will you do as you please, or follow in the ways of others around you? There is little preaching done to convict people of wrong like in my day... and it was lacking then. Almost no practice is preached against today except for making someone else feel like they are wrong or things like bullying.

Daughters, If you care about being Godly, my best advice is this; read the Word of God. Do not do something because you never heard God tell you it was wrong to do... Rather, wait for the conviction that tells you that it is right to do. Our nation is getting more and more wicked. To be holy in this wicked world, you must be close to God and his Word. It is the only way to keep from being fooled by the pleasures that so easily entangle (Hebrew 12:1), so that you may be holy unto the Lord.


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