Sunday, September 30, 2018

3. Dress Modestly and Serve Extravangantly, 1 Timothy 2:9-10

3. Dress Modestly, Serve Extravagantly

1 Timothy 2:9-10 I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God,

I moved the end of this post to the beginning. I want to make sure you didn't get tired of reading and skip this part...

K and A, you know me... I don't agree with the painted nails and eyelids, ornaments in your hair or on your ears (or other areas). I won't call all of them sinful acts, but I will say they are unneeded. As Adam Clarke says it is the argument either of a shallow mind, or of a vain and corrupted heart.

On the flip side, I do agree that you should spend an extravagant amount of time beautifying your heart. Instead of piercing your ear, nose, or tongue, allow the Word to pierce your heart.  Ornate it with the jewels of Scripture. Make up your demeanor so it's all nice and pretty, then everyone will desire your presence. I encourage you to take note from your mother. She is well kept, and clean. Dresses respectively and doesn't draw attention to herself rather she draws attention to God. She is nice looking because she loves people and cares for them. She loves God and serves him and others. You would do well to follow her example.


Normally you two do well in this area. Be careful to never let the world squeeze you into its mold.

Although I want to talk about dress and adornment here, I don't want to be bogged down on that subject. After a little research I see that the words used by Paul talk about specific Grecian dress of the time. The conservative stola was basically a dress that cover from the neckline to the feet. Slits were made for the head and the arms where sleeves could be added. An immodest dress had slits up to the knee worn mostly by children and immodest women (Clarke). I suppose that this verse in the original Greek is where some people teach that ladies should only wear dresses.

Listed in these verses is also a talk on adornment. Both Paul and Peter address this issue as does many other scripture in general. Ornate hair designs, jewelry, and expensive clothing are mentioned by Paul as a problem for the society of that time period. It is the same today. The money spent on beauty products (cosmetics) in America would solve our hunger problem ($7.6 Billion in 2016). That doesn't even cover jewelry purchase ($31.4 Billion in 2016). Wow!

But more important that all this is what we could do instead of spending time and money on beautifying ourselves... spend more time with the Lord. Imagine the difference if we spent all that on personal spiritual growth, using our money for tithing and helping those we see in need. What good deeds could we accomplish? How solid our life in Christ would be if we spent our time and money on spiritual things.

So, dress modestly with propriety but serve extravagantly!

Saturday, September 29, 2018

2. Lift Up Holy Hands, 1 Timothy 2:8

2. Lift Up Holy Hands

1 Timothy 2:8  I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer, without anger or disputing.

We can see this in different lights...

First is that Paul wants men to lift hands in prayer, but I see no reason we cannot apply this to women as well.

Second, Paul wants men to lift hands in prayer, I see why we can't pray with just a bowed head, folding our hand or just pray having them on the pew in front of us.

A third way to look at it... lifting our hands in prayer. I find no reason to believe that the Lord would be upset with us lifting hands for singing or for acknowledging a great truth given during preaching.

All these ways are each practical ways to look at the truth found in this verse, but I see here one word in the first phrase that connects to the second part... lift up holy hands in prayer, without anger or disputing. It saddens God when we lift our hand for any spiritual reason if we do so with soiled hands or hearts. Psalm 24:4 says that only those with clean hands and a pure heart may approach God.

A and K, when everyone seems to be lifting up their hands during songs and even prayers, two hands held high and swaying back and forth, so spiritual... not. Lifting hand do not make you spiritual. I remember hearing that at the largest gathering of college students for spiritual weekday meetings, the music is broadcast across the gathering and the students lift their hands in worship. Yet I was told by one of those students that those same students who raise their hands don't always act very spiritual when not in that meeting. This student told me that they listen to secular music, watch r-rated movies, and talk about doing ungodly things on and off campus. You see, daughters, God isn't interested in you just looking good, you must be good! You can't just look spiritual, you must be spiritual!

I grew up in a time when many people in the Brethren in Christ churches and in holiness churches lifted their hands to acknowledge truths whether in songs, prayers, or during sermons. I always felt awkward and rarely did so. I never wanted to fake it, and it was too uncomfortable to do so. I can imagine the same for you two. So, here is my suggestion and hope for you; do not resist the urge by the Spirit to raise your hand whether others are doing so or not. Be obedient to the move of the Spirit in your life. Do not shy away from doing so. Also, never fake it... do not raise your hands just because others are doing so... again, if the Spirit doesn't move your spirit, do not pretend. Too many are doing that today. Keep your life and motives pure and your heart and thoughts clean and you will find God lifting your holy hand high!


I'll be watching

Friday, September 28, 2018

1. Pray For Everyone, 1 Timothy 2:1

1. Pray For Everyone

1 Timothy 2:1 I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving be made for everyone

The first instruction to the church given to Timothy was to pray. Pray different types of prayers; Ones that ask God for results, Ones offered in place of someone else, offered because they can't , don't know how, they won't or just because you care for them, Ones that expresses your appreciation to God for things, situations, people... notice it says give prayers of thanks for everyone! These prayers are not stingy, not vindictive, nor are they selfish. They are offered in love for any and every person you know.

K and A, how is your prayer life? We just had the Kavanaugh sexual hearing for the Supreme Court. His daughter at 10 asked her family to pray for the accuser. Do you pray for your enemy? Do you pray that they might succeed in life? Do you care for their soul? How about when you see an accident, do you offer a prayer up to God for their injuries, for their financial situations? The scripture says to be in constant prayer, to pray continually. There is much around you to pray for if you take the time to care.


I pray for you two too.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Still Relevant, 1 Timothy 2 - 6

Still Relevant

1 Timothy 2 - 6 Please read the passage

Daughters, we will be looking at the instructions to Timothy from Paul for the teachings of the church. This is Scripture! This is not a suggestions for the past. They are directives for today. Certainly we will need to adapt them into today's life with the technological advances etc,,, but the content and truths they speak of are not to change so we can fit in with our culture.

In fact, that is why Paul set up the practices of the church. They are counter-cultural, separate from the society's thinking. Keep that in mind as we go over these teachings of Paul. We either see the Bible as truth and follow it, or we pick and choose what we want to follow to make our consciences feel better.


Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Learn The Hard Way, 1 Timothy 1:20b

Learn The Hard Way

1 Timothy 1:20b whom I handed over to Satan to be taught a lesson.

Paul was fed up with some who were not following the doctrines of the church. They were leading others astray. So Paul, as described by Jesus in Matthew, and by Paul himself in 1 Corinthians made them leave the church to be subject to the temptations and works of the devil and learn the hard way.

A and K, that is a terrible place to be. Paul had done so that they might return to Christ, but they might never return. As horrible as that is, it is better than the destruction of the local church body. At times some parents do this as well. They try to teach and show their children how to live, they give them sound wisdom from the Word, but their child goes astray and does not follow their instructions. They must be let go and not pandered to. This is opposite of what is happening in families and in churches today... we acquiesce and by doing so destroy the fabric of the family!

Daughters, this has happened in our own family. Grandpa demanded and pleaded with them to follow the truths of Scripture but they refuse. He allowed them to flee, knowing they might not return. So far they haven't. This hurts, for eternal punishment in the lake of fire is real and it is not want a parent desires for their children. But, unless they learn from their time in sin, that is where they will spend eternity.

If you ever find me pleading with you to do what I have taught you, know that I am concerned for your soul. I want our family united in heaven. But if I ever start being quiet... take warning, for I haven't stopped caring, I haven't changed my beliefs, no I just allowed you to go your own way, to go the way of Satan so you may learn the hard way. To do so will pierce my heart, but you'll leave me no choice. I'll let you go, praying that God will show you the way home.


Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Dangers Of Rejecting Truths, 1 Timothy 1:19

Dangers Of Rejecting Truths

1 Timothy 1:19 Hold(ing) on to faith and a good conscience, some have rejected these and so have shipwrecked their faith.

What is being rejected here is faith, not "the faith". And, it is more than just trust in God. It is what was written in the rest of Paul's letter. These truths were given to Timothy so that he would know sound doctrine and the practices of the church. If he would fail to follow them, not only his faith but the faith of the church he led would be wrecked. The importance of Paul's teachings were crucial to the life of the church.

K and A, these truths are just as crucial today. They are not old teachings made to a people from the past. They are not culturally dependent. They are practical, needed, directives to keep the church from being led astray by the "wisdom" of the world today! Over the next weeks we will discuss these truths.

There are also truths that I have given you. Things that aren't "the faith" itself but are practical ways of living so your faith does not get shipwrecked. Things like proper attire, make up and jewelry, drinking, dancing and the world's music, TV and the movies, speech, Sunday observance, cultural practices and the list goes on. Maybe after we get through Timothy I'll remember to do a study on them. As I said, these I give you to keep you from losing "the faith". You would do well to follow them.


Monday, September 24, 2018

A Good Conscience, 1 Timothy 1:18b-19a

A Good Conscience

1 Timothy 1:18b-19a fight the good fight, holding on to faith and a good conscience...

In order to fight the good fight, hold on to faith in Christ and keep your conscience clear.

K and A, Grandpa used give an short example of what a conscience is and how to ruin it. I am not sure where he heard it, probably from his dad, so I pass it on to you...

An Indian stated that a conscience was the triangle thing in your chest that when you did something wrong it turned and as it rotated it hurt your heart. But, if you ignore it and did the wrong often enough, it wore off the corners of the triangle until it no longer hurt.

Daughters, keep you conscience clear. When you sense that you have done wrong, first make it right with God, then go to the person you offended and clear it up with them. If you don't, you will no longer think it is a sin. You'll have worn the corners off. Make sure to keep a good conscience.


Sunday, September 23, 2018

My Daughters, 1 Timothy 1:18

My Daughters

1 Timothy 1:18 Timothy, my son, I give you this instruction in keeping with the prophecies once made about you, so that by following them you may fight the good fight.

A, my daughter, stay firm in the faith and in your devotion to the Lord. Follow through with the plan God has for you. Use your talents of singing only for the glory of his kingdom. Then, expand those talents to play the piano and other instruments. Do not allow negativity or your current ability, or lack there of, keep you from doing more for him. Take what you have learned and share it with others that they too may fight the good fight.

K, my daughter, stay firm in the faith and in your devotion to the Lord. Follow through with the plan set out for you while in Tech. Renew your commitment to serve others by becoming a nurse with the character of Christ. I remember your writings of how you were led by the Lord to be a nurse. Strive to become the most caring and compassionate nurse that the infirmed have experienced. There is such a great need for you in today's world. Be willing to go where ever God wants you. He will help you in your call to fight the good fight.

Daughters... God desires to use you to help build his kingdom. Put the things of this world way behind you, commit to living for him, and you will win the good fight and gain eternal life with Christ as your reward!


Saturday, September 22, 2018

What Does God Deserve, 1 Timothy 1:17

What Does God Deserve

1 Timothy 1:17 Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen

What does the God of the universe deserve? Our praise and adoration... to him be honor and glory for ever and ever! He is the only God! He is the great I Am! He is the Highest, none compare to him! All the others, are not gods at all! Our God is God!

A and K, you can go to family and friends to find hope and satisfaction. You can run to the church to find peace and contentment. You can hold close to your husband to find security and safety. But, there is none who satisfies like Jesus. He deserves all you praise and adoration.


No One Ever Cared For Me Like Jesus

Friday, September 21, 2018

Who Is Our God, 1 Timothy 1:17

Who Is Our God

1 Timothy 1:17 Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and eve. Amen

What a mighty God we serve!
Angles bow before him.
Heaven and earth adore him.
What a mighty God.

Immortal, invisible, God only wise,
in light inaccessible hid from our eyes,
most blessed, most glorious, the Ancient of Days,
almighty, victorious, thy great name we praise.

K and A... you have the privilege of serving the God of the universe. He is quite amazing and you are his friend. You are the child of the living God, heirs with Christ Jesus. Wow!


Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Wallow In Thought, 1 Timothy 1:16

Wallow In The Thought

1 Timothy 1:16 But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might show his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life.

Just a short added on phrase, not the main thought of Paul's writing to Timothy but it is a wonderful thought. The Sadducees in Jesus' day didn't believe in a resurrection. We know better, for we know that out of the two choices we make while we are alive on earth, will determine how we end up after we are resurrected.

Choice 1: Follow Satan's way - Eternal punishment in the lake of fire! - A horrifying thought

Choice 2: Follow God's way - Eternal life with Christ! - A wonderful thought

Daughter, as the old poem goes Only one life will soon be past. Only what's done for Christ will last.

Choose to follow Christ then wallow in the thought; You have eternal life!


Wallow - Look at Webster's 3rd definition: 3 : to devote oneself entirely especially : to take unrestrained pleasure : delight

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Saved For The Lost, 1 Timothy 1:16

Saved For The Lost

1 Timothy 1:16 But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might show his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life.

Why does God save terrible people? Why doesn't he just take the rapist, the mass murderer, or the serial killer and send them away to burn in hell!? That is what they deserve. Oh, let's not forget the child molester, they are the worst of the worst.

Maybe so, but Christ came to make a way for all. He came to change the hearts of men. Ted Bundy, a horrible serial killer who raped and murdered his victims, found Christ and went to heaven when he was executed on the electric chair. James Dobson interviewed him at Ted's request just before he died. The patience of God is beyond compare! If God is willing to forgive Ted Bundy, He is willing to forgive anyone.

K and A, you are not mass murderer, but you may sin beyond what you could ever imagine. Always remember that God is willing and patient to forgive your sins against him and others. Never think life is hopeless. Know that God wants you in his family, even if you have smeared his love and name before others. Like the prodigal son... he is looking for you. He will always restore you as part of the family when you go to him and repent. He saves the worst for us to know he will save us too.


Tuesday, September 18, 2018

I Am The Worst, 1 Timothy 1:15

I Am The Worst

1 Timothy 1:15 Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners - of whom I am the worst.

K and A, You ever thought you were the worst. Maybe you were! But that's alright, I love you anyway. No, not for being the worst, but knowing what you can be, I love you.

In the same way Jesus loves you. He came into the world because he saw your condition and gave of himself as a sacrifice so you could be different. Why? Because he loves you! Contrast that with the false teachings in many churches: Christ loves us just the way you are. Come just as you are and worship the Lord... Noooo, Jesus Christ came to save us from our sins, gone they are to be! You might be the worst - but Christ came so you could be your best!


Gifts From Salvation, 1 Timothy 1:12-14

Gifts From Salvation

1 Timothy 1:14 The grace of the Lord was poured out on me abundantly, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus

We all know that eternal life belongs to those who accept Christ as Savior. And, we also know that we escape eternal punishment when we receive his forgiveness. But, do we know that along with everlasting life comes power to live for him today? Grace and Faith and Love, these are attributes of Christians that are part of God's gift of salvation. We are given these that we might live out the new life we have received. We are changed people and having the power to walk after him is an important part of the blessing of salvation.

K and A, Christ gives all you need to follow him in today's society. God continues to provide and give all that you don't deserve - Grace. Christ enables you to trust him for what is coming - Faith. And, for all those can't understand why you live a different lifestyle (holiness unto the Lord), you wont do this or do that or go her or go there, for all those that oppose you, the Spirit fills your heart with a special kindness - Love. These, God gives you in abundance. They are gifts he lavishly provides to all that love him. They are yours to possess!


In 1st Peter the 2011 NIV gets it wrong... the connotation of the verse is that we are a separate people - God's possession. That certainly makes us special, but in today's society, to be a special possession is not about being holy unto the Lord - God's only. Its about feeling good that we belong. That's great, and we should feel that, but that wasn't what Paul nor Peter were talking about.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

God Forgives The Worst, 1 Timothy 1:12-14

God Forgives The Worst

1 Timothy 1:13 Even though I was a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent man, I was shown mercy because I acted in ignorance and unbelief

Paul stood witness to a vigilante group murder. He sought out new believers and tortures them in order to have them renounce their faith. Paul was a bad character. Yet, God knew what Paul could be and forgave his sins and turned him into a mighty missionary for the Lord.

K and A, certainly you haven't been as bad as Paul. Just imagine what God will do through you! As Grandpa used to tell me when I was around your age... Your greatest ability is not your smarts or talents, it is your availability. When you make yourself available to God in his service, he will empower you to do his will... God want to use you.


Saturday, September 15, 2018

Lawbreakers And Rebels, 1 Timothy 1:8-11

Lawbreakers And Rebels

1 Timothy 1:9-11 We also know that the law is not made for the righteous but for lawbreakers and rebels, the ungodly and sinful, the unholy and irreligious; for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers, for adulterers and perverts, for slave traders and liars and perjurers - and for whatever is contrary to the sound doctrine that conforms to the glorious gospel of the blessed God which he entrusted to me.

After I thought about what subject to discuss and which verses to use, and after I  began writing this I realized I went backwards in progression of 1 Timothy. But I want to create a list for us which denotes what Paul considered evil. After I do... we will see that certain actions, certain lifestyles are evil and God's penalties will be carried out against those who do them. So here we go...

Actions that God calls sin
  • Breaking the law
  • Rebellion
  • Ungodly living
  • Unholy living
  • Scoffing at religious beliefs or practices
  • Murder
  • Adultery
  • Sexual Perversion
  • Selling slaves
  • Lying
  • Perjury
  • Not following the doctrine of the gospel
K and A, look over the list. Is God unhappy with your lifestyle? Have you done or are you doing some of these things? If so, repent, for Christ came to bring victory over sin. If you haven't done these things but know someone who has, warn them of the coming judgement so they can escape God's wrath. God is willing to forgive lawbreakers and rebels! That is the good news of the gospel!


Friday, September 14, 2018

Considered Faithful, 1 Timothy 1:12-14

Considered Faithful

1 Timothy 1:12 I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered me faithful, appointing me to his service.

Paul was appreciative that God was using him. He was happy to be in the service of the Lord. His life was consumed by his desire to serve his Lord. Joy filled his heart as he mused over the thought that he could do whatever God called him to do. Since Paul was faithful in his commitment to the Lord, he could do all things, for the Lord gave him strength.

K and A, being able to do anything the Lord asks of you is not possible on your own strength. It takes the Lord empowering you. But, why would he empower you if you are not fully given over to him, if you are not sanctified holy?

Paul says that Christ enabled him because of his faithfulness, for his obedience to God's Word in his everyday life. God will use you too when you are committed fully to the Lord serving him in faithfulness. There is nothing better than knowing God is using you to affect the lives of others for his kingdom! You will sense his smile of approval on your life giving you true joy, for you will know that Christ Jesus considered you faithful.


Thursday, September 13, 2018

The Law Is Good, 1 Timothy 1:8-11

The Law Is Good

1 Timothy 1:8 We know the law is good, if one uses it properly

I did not do a thorough study on this. this post is general in nature and partly my opinion based on my understanding of Scripture.

People in general resist laws. It was the original sin. In fact, there is no sin if there is no law! Eve decided that God's one law was not for her. She decided to violate that one law, and when she got Adam to partake with her, all mankind began to suffer the sting of sin.

God's laws have at least two purposes:
  • To keep us from suffering
  • To inform us to what God declares as evil
Wouldn't it be cruel to go through life no knowing what is right or wrong then come to the end of time and hear God say, Bermp… you lose. Here are all the wrong things you did. Off to the lake of fire with him...That just wouldn't be right. Learn God's heart, learn what he calls evil, read the OT law.

As we go throughout life, suffering is a part of it. It comes because sin is in the world. It is caused either when we sin or as we are affected by others' sin. If we want to minimize suffering, obey the law. It refreshes the soul! It teaches us how to get along. And, it defines proper sexual relationships. The law is good!

K and A, so much in the church today is about doing as the spirit leads, no rules. Do not fall into Satan's traps. He uses those who think they know what's going on to fool the people who thought they knew. They feed on the natural appetites of man to lead them away from what God defines as right and wrong... Read the OT for yourself and learn God's heart, for the law is good!


Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Sounded Good, 1 Timothy 1:7

Sounded Good

1 Timothy 1:7 They want to be teachers of the law, but they do not know what they are talking about or what they so confidently affirm.

Have you ever heard someone wax eloquently about a spiritual matter? And, then when they were finished you thought to yourself, "that sounded really good but I'm not sure I believe all that." There are some people who talk well but what they teach or say is unbiblical. Do not let their false teachings trick you.

K and A, I believe this is what is happening in the church today. We have a lot of good sounding teachings that are very palatable, but they are false! A main reason is like what Paul said in 2 Timothy, people don't want sound doctrine, so they go to where they can hear the things they want to believe... now you can live like you want! So be careful... sermons should sting now and then.

But, another reason is that preachers do not know Biblical truths. They begin to teach modern philosophy, the latest cultural fad, political correctness, or social justice and use the scriptures to back it up. You know it is not what you learned, but it sounded so good you wonder if it is right. Don't fall for it. The Bible teaches truth, unity, hope, love, peace, separation from the culture (the world), servanthood, both the Old and New Testament in light of Jesus and the indwelling of the Spirit. If what is taught strays from any of these, question its validity, no matter how good it sounds.


Daughters, the Bible teaches way more, but these truths are essential benchmarks of the faith!

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Blah Blah Blah, 1 Timothy 1:6

Blah Blah Blah

1 Timothy 1:6 Some have wandered away from these and turn to meaningless talk

Why do people talk about meaningless things that have no lasting point, no edifying purpose? Why do people repeat a point so much, so often that it is like beating a dead horse? Partly because they have turned from some of the important aspects of the faith. A pure heart, a good conscience, and a sincere faith, these are necessary traits that produce love and keep us from so many pointless decisions in our relationship with others. Without these traits we will press our point so much that we kindle strife. This leads to discord and separates members of Christ's body.

A and K, promote love and peace. It is proper to stand against evil and against false teachings, but when promoting what is important to you and your spiritual walk, be careful. When the conversation begins to cause friction, drop the matter before a dispute breaks out. Speaking in love will keep you from becoming an annoying gong causing others to avoid you altogether, then you will never be able to get your point across no matter how valid it might be. If you want to help others, skip the blah blah.


Monday, September 10, 2018

Loving The Unlovable, 1 Timothy 1:5

Loving The Unlovable

1 Timothy 1:5 The goal of this command is love, which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.

Some people seem unlovable. It make it difficult to follow through on our commitment to Christ, but loving all people is a requirement of the faith. If we do not love others how can we say we love God? But, how can we do that? We can't, on our own. That is the benefit of our faith. The Spirit teaches us to do right, what God has commanded.

A and K, look at the verse. it says that:
  • Love comes from a pure heart
  • Love comes from a good conscience
  • Love comes from a sincere faith
If you have problems loving the unlovable, check you heart and mind then renew your faith in Christ. A right relationship with Christ will enable you to love those that annoy you and even those that hate you. Love everyone!


Sunday, September 9, 2018

Correct In Love, 1 Timothy 1:5

Discipline In Love

1 Timothy 1:5 The goal of this command is love, which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.

When we correct others we need to do so in love. It is imperative that we desire for them to be better. We hope to see them succeed. Although there may be penalties or stern talks, we do so in order that they improve in their thoughts and actions. Our love for them will make our corrections palatable.

K and A, I have corrected both of you. It has been my attempt to do so in love. I care about and for each of you. It is my desire to not only see you improve but to excel in all you do, especially spiritually. A verse in the Bible says that no discipline is pleasant at the time... but it brings a  harvest of righteousness and peace. So, maybe you didn't enjoy my corrections, but they were for your own good. I continue in my responsibility of disciplining you, but now my role is much different and corrections become like suggestions.

You too are called to discipline and correct others. In the classes you teach or with the people you meet, you will have to love them first and during the times you correct their actions and thinking. This will be true someday with your own children, even with your husband. Do not beat down and ridicule, or belittle. Rather, lift, build and encourage greatness in all of them. Correct them in love.


PS... Daughters, most men complain about their wives... the are hags, because they are nags. She is the old lady... Well that is not your mother. I never say that about her. She is a wonderful and helpful blessing in my life. So loving and kind, most men would say I am spoiled. Maybe so, I'm glad I am. She puts up with a lot though, yet she encourages me, seeking to care for me in every way. Be the blessing she has been to me and your husband will never talk about you the way most men do. Your mother is a great model for you. Seek to become like her.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Not By Works But By Faith, 1 Timothy 1:3-4

Not By Works But By Faith

1 Timothy 1:3-4 As I urged you when I went into Macedonia, stay there in Ephesus so that you may command certain men not to teach false doctrines any longer nor to devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies. These promote controversies rather than God's work - which is by faith.

Okay, I thought you always say works are necessary for salvation. I did and they are. Then, why did you say its by faith not works?

K and A, this is a controversial subject today, but an extremely important doctrine that must not be avoided!

Your faith must not be separated from your works, they go hand in hand, You can't have one without the other, or you do not have a relationship with God - your sins have not been reconciled! Always remember that.

That said... this phrase in this verse must be tied to what it follows if it is to be understood correctly. The people in Ephesus were boasting about what made them Christians, and why they were better than everybody else. The special trait that was mentioned was their heritage, what special line they came from - their genealogy. There are no second generation Christians. Each one is born of Gods so we are all brethren in Christ (or cistern in Christ).

Okay, so much for the play on words... We are all brothers and sisters in the Lord, because he is the one who gives life. It is not from which earthly parents we have or of what works we have done. The proverbial girl scout helping the old lady across the street doesn't count towards salvation, not even if she has earned the Gold Award. We each must be born again by the power of God.

Daughters, you each are special to me. You might be a talented, pretty, and sweet young lady, but I love you because you love the Father. You have been changed by him and desire to live according to his Word. That is what makes you special to me above anything else. Everything else is pointless if your faith isn't in Jesus Christ! I am so glad yours is.


Friday, September 7, 2018

Controversies In The Church, 1 Timothy 1:3-4

Coroorversies In The Church

1 Timothy 1:3-4 As I urged you when I went into Macedonia, stay there in Ephesus so that you may command certain men not to teach false doctrines any longer nor to devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies. These promote controversies rather than God's work - which is by faith.

Arguing about pointless disagreements creates controversies. It destroys the church! It is important that we stop boasting and falsehood from hurting the body of Christ. Do not confuse pointless arguments with stopping false doctrines. False doctrines destroy the church as well.

A & K, throughout the years ahead you'll see people argue about when Christ will come back, what has to happen before he does, what heaven will be like and what we will all be doing there... So many things in the Bible we do not fully know... do not get caught up in these foolish controversies. Stick to the main points of salvation and holy living, especially being separate from the world and its pleasures... even in those be careful. It is not worth the destruct of the spiritual lives of others.


Thursday, September 6, 2018

Your Heritage Is Only As Good As You Are, 1 Timothy 1:3-4

Your Heritage Is Only As Good As You Are

1 Timothy 1:3-4 As I urged you when I went into Macedonia, stay there in Ephesus so that you may command certain men not to teach false doctrines any longer nor to devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies. These promote controversies rather than God's work - which is by faith.

We have a great heritage. From an Anabaptist background teaching peace and service to a strong doctrine on piety and obedience, the Brubaker have committed themselves to pure and holy living and dedicated themselves to following the Word of God for hundreds of years. Truly an amazing heritage in deed!

But K & A, it is all worthless for you if you do not love and serve the Lord in the same capacity. Your heritage cannot save you. It cannot give you power to stop sinning. It doesn't make you any more special to God or better than anyone else. Your heritage is the past. You are the today. You are the future. Do not lose the vision, nor take for granted, the heritage of holiness that has been passed on. Do not lose the fire, do not lose the glory, long for God's outpouring all throughout your life, wherever you are.

Young ladies, keep the heritage alive and pass it on!


Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Teach Truth, 1 Timothy 1:3-4

Teach Truth

1 Timothy 1:3-4 As I urged you when I went into Macedonia, stay there in Ephesus so that you may command certain men not to teach false doctrines any longer nor to devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies. These promote controversies rather than God's work - which is by faith.

We have the responsibility to disseminate the truth of the Word. In fact, as a teacher in the church, we are held accountable for the things we say and the things that we do, even in our private lives. We are held to a higher account than those that follow us. They will learn what is right and wrong from us. This is why Paul instructed Timothy to correct those who were teaching false doctrines. We put our trust in pastors and SS teachers, and for children - parents and adults, and live accordingly, right or wrong. Paul said, Stop Them from teaching falsehoods.

K and A, careful what you teach. Teach truth! The eternal destinies of those around you are determined in part by you!


Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Leaders Have Authority, 1 Timothy 1:3

Leader Have Authority

1 Timothy 1:3 As I urged you when I went into Macedonia, stay there in Ephesus so that you may command certain men not to teach false doctrines any longer nor to devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies.

What good is a leader if they do not have authority to change the habits of the people they are trying to lead? Leadership requires corrective action at times and they must possess the power to carry out the leader's goals and desires. Sometimes leadership is an individual and other times a group of people. But, they must be given authority if they are to lead.

Listening to authority is a major problem today. Whether in the inner cities, in the schools, in the home, or in a marriage. there are conflicts and rebellion against authority. But, God has set up authority for our own good. We need to obey them.

K and A, listen to authority! I believe this is not an issue with either of you in general, but it is easy to become weary when the leadership is making foolhardy decisions. It is important as a Christian to follow through and respect (follow without complaining... to them or behind their backs) their directives. Paul says that we must submit to our leaders.

But now to my main point... when you are a leader, exercise the authority you have. It is the only way you are can be an effective leader. No, that doesn't mean you beat everyone into submission. You can still lead in a humble, servant like style while carrying out your duties. What I am saying is this; do not allow the followers to take away your authority for you are the one responsible for the outcome. If leading children, make them behave, sit still, keep quiet, show respect, have good manners. If leading adults, make them be courteous to others, follow your rules, show respect, not push ahead, or go in another direction. You are set up by God to lead, and lead you must.

Daughters, both of you have already had leaderships role in the church and in other areas of life. Know that you are called by God to benefit those you are in charge of and to those you are subject to. Lead with courage and confidence.


A side note... leadership becomes difficult when not given authority. Basically, it becomes impossible, for as happened to me this past summer, one will come along who will despise your authority and push back and ridicule your decisions and you cannot do anything about it. In those situations do the best you can and avoid conflicts as much as possible. I approached my authority and let them know I would not take responsibility for the difficult persons if I was not given authority. It is a tough spot to be in, and very unpleasant. It makes it difficult to properly love those under you, but you must love anyway, for in that you are responsible to God.

Monday, September 3, 2018

Bless Others, 1 Timothy 1:2b

Bless Others

1 Timothy 1:2b  Grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord

Grace - the unmerited favor given by God to serve him. Mercy, the undeserved gift of forgiveness. Peace - the inner solitude received when in a right relationship with the Lord.

A and K, do you have the peace of God in your heart that comes by following Jesus Christ? Has the Father shown you mercy and given you the grace necessary to handle what life throws at you? Do you desire that same forgiveness and inner solitude for those around you? Paul desired it for Timothy. He cared about him and his spiritual needs. Bless those around you and even your greatest enemy will become a blessing to you.


Sunday, September 2, 2018

My Child, 1 Timothy 1:2a

My Child

1 Timothy 1:2a To Timothy, my true son in the faith...

I am not sure if being Paul's true son meant that he led Timothy to Christ, or if it meant that he became like a father to him and taught him and trained him. In his commentary, Adam Clarke, an incredible Wesleyan theologian of the past, believed it to referred to Paul's training of Timothy in spiritual matters.

K and A, each of you is my child, one naturally and the other adopted. That, I am happy with. I am glad you're mine! But.... I am much happier that you are as well My Child of my faith.

A, you have had a lifetime of learning from me. I have tried to lead you in the way of the Lord, so you can serve him throughout your life ahead.

K, for one year I concentrated on teaching you one on one. You wanted to learn everything you could from me. But sadly, during that time things got sidetracked. Hopefully you have learned some things you will take with you in your walk with the Lord.

I am most thankful God had me start these Forever Dad posts. It gives me the opportunity to continue to lead you in the soundness of the God's Word. It makes available God's truths to you. It is not one on one and you required to take the time to read them, but  if you do, I believe God will use them in your life to help you grow in your faith. Read and learn, My Child. Ask me questions any time. I love you both and desire God's best for you. Serve him all your days. Even as others turn and follow the world, you walk with the Lord as His Child.


Saturday, September 1, 2018

Used By God, 1 Timothy 1:1

Used By God

1 Timothy 1:1 Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the command of God our Savior and of Christ Jesus our hope.

Because we have been saved from our sin, God is able to use us. He enables us to go beyond what we think we can handle Yet, we need not fear for our hope is in him.

K and A, trust the one who calls you to new heights. When he calls you, he will equip you. You will do amazing things for the Lord as you yield to his call. There is no greater feeling than to know you are being used by God. So, prepare yourself for his call.
