Saturday, September 8, 2018

Not By Works But By Faith, 1 Timothy 1:3-4

Not By Works But By Faith

1 Timothy 1:3-4 As I urged you when I went into Macedonia, stay there in Ephesus so that you may command certain men not to teach false doctrines any longer nor to devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies. These promote controversies rather than God's work - which is by faith.

Okay, I thought you always say works are necessary for salvation. I did and they are. Then, why did you say its by faith not works?

K and A, this is a controversial subject today, but an extremely important doctrine that must not be avoided!

Your faith must not be separated from your works, they go hand in hand, You can't have one without the other, or you do not have a relationship with God - your sins have not been reconciled! Always remember that.

That said... this phrase in this verse must be tied to what it follows if it is to be understood correctly. The people in Ephesus were boasting about what made them Christians, and why they were better than everybody else. The special trait that was mentioned was their heritage, what special line they came from - their genealogy. There are no second generation Christians. Each one is born of Gods so we are all brethren in Christ (or cistern in Christ).

Okay, so much for the play on words... We are all brothers and sisters in the Lord, because he is the one who gives life. It is not from which earthly parents we have or of what works we have done. The proverbial girl scout helping the old lady across the street doesn't count towards salvation, not even if she has earned the Gold Award. We each must be born again by the power of God.

Daughters, you each are special to me. You might be a talented, pretty, and sweet young lady, but I love you because you love the Father. You have been changed by him and desire to live according to his Word. That is what makes you special to me above anything else. Everything else is pointless if your faith isn't in Jesus Christ! I am so glad yours is.


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