Sunday, September 9, 2018

Correct In Love, 1 Timothy 1:5

Discipline In Love

1 Timothy 1:5 The goal of this command is love, which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.

When we correct others we need to do so in love. It is imperative that we desire for them to be better. We hope to see them succeed. Although there may be penalties or stern talks, we do so in order that they improve in their thoughts and actions. Our love for them will make our corrections palatable.

K and A, I have corrected both of you. It has been my attempt to do so in love. I care about and for each of you. It is my desire to not only see you improve but to excel in all you do, especially spiritually. A verse in the Bible says that no discipline is pleasant at the time... but it brings a  harvest of righteousness and peace. So, maybe you didn't enjoy my corrections, but they were for your own good. I continue in my responsibility of disciplining you, but now my role is much different and corrections become like suggestions.

You too are called to discipline and correct others. In the classes you teach or with the people you meet, you will have to love them first and during the times you correct their actions and thinking. This will be true someday with your own children, even with your husband. Do not beat down and ridicule, or belittle. Rather, lift, build and encourage greatness in all of them. Correct them in love.


PS... Daughters, most men complain about their wives... the are hags, because they are nags. She is the old lady... Well that is not your mother. I never say that about her. She is a wonderful and helpful blessing in my life. So loving and kind, most men would say I am spoiled. Maybe so, I'm glad I am. She puts up with a lot though, yet she encourages me, seeking to care for me in every way. Be the blessing she has been to me and your husband will never talk about you the way most men do. Your mother is a great model for you. Seek to become like her.

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