Friday, September 28, 2018

1. Pray For Everyone, 1 Timothy 2:1

1. Pray For Everyone

1 Timothy 2:1 I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving be made for everyone

The first instruction to the church given to Timothy was to pray. Pray different types of prayers; Ones that ask God for results, Ones offered in place of someone else, offered because they can't , don't know how, they won't or just because you care for them, Ones that expresses your appreciation to God for things, situations, people... notice it says give prayers of thanks for everyone! These prayers are not stingy, not vindictive, nor are they selfish. They are offered in love for any and every person you know.

K and A, how is your prayer life? We just had the Kavanaugh sexual hearing for the Supreme Court. His daughter at 10 asked her family to pray for the accuser. Do you pray for your enemy? Do you pray that they might succeed in life? Do you care for their soul? How about when you see an accident, do you offer a prayer up to God for their injuries, for their financial situations? The scripture says to be in constant prayer, to pray continually. There is much around you to pray for if you take the time to care.


I pray for you two too.

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