Saturday, September 15, 2018

Lawbreakers And Rebels, 1 Timothy 1:8-11

Lawbreakers And Rebels

1 Timothy 1:9-11 We also know that the law is not made for the righteous but for lawbreakers and rebels, the ungodly and sinful, the unholy and irreligious; for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers, for adulterers and perverts, for slave traders and liars and perjurers - and for whatever is contrary to the sound doctrine that conforms to the glorious gospel of the blessed God which he entrusted to me.

After I thought about what subject to discuss and which verses to use, and after I  began writing this I realized I went backwards in progression of 1 Timothy. But I want to create a list for us which denotes what Paul considered evil. After I do... we will see that certain actions, certain lifestyles are evil and God's penalties will be carried out against those who do them. So here we go...

Actions that God calls sin
  • Breaking the law
  • Rebellion
  • Ungodly living
  • Unholy living
  • Scoffing at religious beliefs or practices
  • Murder
  • Adultery
  • Sexual Perversion
  • Selling slaves
  • Lying
  • Perjury
  • Not following the doctrine of the gospel
K and A, look over the list. Is God unhappy with your lifestyle? Have you done or are you doing some of these things? If so, repent, for Christ came to bring victory over sin. If you haven't done these things but know someone who has, warn them of the coming judgement so they can escape God's wrath. God is willing to forgive lawbreakers and rebels! That is the good news of the gospel!


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