Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Leaders Have Authority, 1 Timothy 1:3

Leader Have Authority

1 Timothy 1:3 As I urged you when I went into Macedonia, stay there in Ephesus so that you may command certain men not to teach false doctrines any longer nor to devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies.

What good is a leader if they do not have authority to change the habits of the people they are trying to lead? Leadership requires corrective action at times and they must possess the power to carry out the leader's goals and desires. Sometimes leadership is an individual and other times a group of people. But, they must be given authority if they are to lead.

Listening to authority is a major problem today. Whether in the inner cities, in the schools, in the home, or in a marriage. there are conflicts and rebellion against authority. But, God has set up authority for our own good. We need to obey them.

K and A, listen to authority! I believe this is not an issue with either of you in general, but it is easy to become weary when the leadership is making foolhardy decisions. It is important as a Christian to follow through and respect (follow without complaining... to them or behind their backs) their directives. Paul says that we must submit to our leaders.

But now to my main point... when you are a leader, exercise the authority you have. It is the only way you are can be an effective leader. No, that doesn't mean you beat everyone into submission. You can still lead in a humble, servant like style while carrying out your duties. What I am saying is this; do not allow the followers to take away your authority for you are the one responsible for the outcome. If leading children, make them behave, sit still, keep quiet, show respect, have good manners. If leading adults, make them be courteous to others, follow your rules, show respect, not push ahead, or go in another direction. You are set up by God to lead, and lead you must.

Daughters, both of you have already had leaderships role in the church and in other areas of life. Know that you are called by God to benefit those you are in charge of and to those you are subject to. Lead with courage and confidence.


A side note... leadership becomes difficult when not given authority. Basically, it becomes impossible, for as happened to me this past summer, one will come along who will despise your authority and push back and ridicule your decisions and you cannot do anything about it. In those situations do the best you can and avoid conflicts as much as possible. I approached my authority and let them know I would not take responsibility for the difficult persons if I was not given authority. It is a tough spot to be in, and very unpleasant. It makes it difficult to properly love those under you, but you must love anyway, for in that you are responsible to God.

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