Saturday, September 29, 2018

2. Lift Up Holy Hands, 1 Timothy 2:8

2. Lift Up Holy Hands

1 Timothy 2:8  I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer, without anger or disputing.

We can see this in different lights...

First is that Paul wants men to lift hands in prayer, but I see no reason we cannot apply this to women as well.

Second, Paul wants men to lift hands in prayer, I see why we can't pray with just a bowed head, folding our hand or just pray having them on the pew in front of us.

A third way to look at it... lifting our hands in prayer. I find no reason to believe that the Lord would be upset with us lifting hands for singing or for acknowledging a great truth given during preaching.

All these ways are each practical ways to look at the truth found in this verse, but I see here one word in the first phrase that connects to the second part... lift up holy hands in prayer, without anger or disputing. It saddens God when we lift our hand for any spiritual reason if we do so with soiled hands or hearts. Psalm 24:4 says that only those with clean hands and a pure heart may approach God.

A and K, when everyone seems to be lifting up their hands during songs and even prayers, two hands held high and swaying back and forth, so spiritual... not. Lifting hand do not make you spiritual. I remember hearing that at the largest gathering of college students for spiritual weekday meetings, the music is broadcast across the gathering and the students lift their hands in worship. Yet I was told by one of those students that those same students who raise their hands don't always act very spiritual when not in that meeting. This student told me that they listen to secular music, watch r-rated movies, and talk about doing ungodly things on and off campus. You see, daughters, God isn't interested in you just looking good, you must be good! You can't just look spiritual, you must be spiritual!

I grew up in a time when many people in the Brethren in Christ churches and in holiness churches lifted their hands to acknowledge truths whether in songs, prayers, or during sermons. I always felt awkward and rarely did so. I never wanted to fake it, and it was too uncomfortable to do so. I can imagine the same for you two. So, here is my suggestion and hope for you; do not resist the urge by the Spirit to raise your hand whether others are doing so or not. Be obedient to the move of the Spirit in your life. Do not shy away from doing so. Also, never fake it... do not raise your hands just because others are doing so... again, if the Spirit doesn't move your spirit, do not pretend. Too many are doing that today. Keep your life and motives pure and your heart and thoughts clean and you will find God lifting your holy hand high!


I'll be watching

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