Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Gifts From Salvation, 1 Timothy 1:12-14

Gifts From Salvation

1 Timothy 1:14 The grace of the Lord was poured out on me abundantly, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus

We all know that eternal life belongs to those who accept Christ as Savior. And, we also know that we escape eternal punishment when we receive his forgiveness. But, do we know that along with everlasting life comes power to live for him today? Grace and Faith and Love, these are attributes of Christians that are part of God's gift of salvation. We are given these that we might live out the new life we have received. We are changed people and having the power to walk after him is an important part of the blessing of salvation.

K and A, Christ gives all you need to follow him in today's society. God continues to provide and give all that you don't deserve - Grace. Christ enables you to trust him for what is coming - Faith. And, for all those can't understand why you live a different lifestyle (holiness unto the Lord), you wont do this or do that or go her or go there, for all those that oppose you, the Spirit fills your heart with a special kindness - Love. These, God gives you in abundance. They are gifts he lavishly provides to all that love him. They are yours to possess!


In 1st Peter the 2011 NIV gets it wrong... the connotation of the verse is that we are a separate people - God's possession. That certainly makes us special, but in today's society, to be a special possession is not about being holy unto the Lord - God's only. Its about feeling good that we belong. That's great, and we should feel that, but that wasn't what Paul nor Peter were talking about.

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