Friday, September 14, 2018

Considered Faithful, 1 Timothy 1:12-14

Considered Faithful

1 Timothy 1:12 I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered me faithful, appointing me to his service.

Paul was appreciative that God was using him. He was happy to be in the service of the Lord. His life was consumed by his desire to serve his Lord. Joy filled his heart as he mused over the thought that he could do whatever God called him to do. Since Paul was faithful in his commitment to the Lord, he could do all things, for the Lord gave him strength.

K and A, being able to do anything the Lord asks of you is not possible on your own strength. It takes the Lord empowering you. But, why would he empower you if you are not fully given over to him, if you are not sanctified holy?

Paul says that Christ enabled him because of his faithfulness, for his obedience to God's Word in his everyday life. God will use you too when you are committed fully to the Lord serving him in faithfulness. There is nothing better than knowing God is using you to affect the lives of others for his kingdom! You will sense his smile of approval on your life giving you true joy, for you will know that Christ Jesus considered you faithful.


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