Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Dangers Of Rejecting Truths, 1 Timothy 1:19

Dangers Of Rejecting Truths

1 Timothy 1:19 Hold(ing) on to faith and a good conscience, some have rejected these and so have shipwrecked their faith.

What is being rejected here is faith, not "the faith". And, it is more than just trust in God. It is what was written in the rest of Paul's letter. These truths were given to Timothy so that he would know sound doctrine and the practices of the church. If he would fail to follow them, not only his faith but the faith of the church he led would be wrecked. The importance of Paul's teachings were crucial to the life of the church.

K and A, these truths are just as crucial today. They are not old teachings made to a people from the past. They are not culturally dependent. They are practical, needed, directives to keep the church from being led astray by the "wisdom" of the world today! Over the next weeks we will discuss these truths.

There are also truths that I have given you. Things that aren't "the faith" itself but are practical ways of living so your faith does not get shipwrecked. Things like proper attire, make up and jewelry, drinking, dancing and the world's music, TV and the movies, speech, Sunday observance, cultural practices and the list goes on. Maybe after we get through Timothy I'll remember to do a study on them. As I said, these I give you to keep you from losing "the faith". You would do well to follow them.


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