Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Saved For The Lost, 1 Timothy 1:16

Saved For The Lost

1 Timothy 1:16 But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might show his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life.

Why does God save terrible people? Why doesn't he just take the rapist, the mass murderer, or the serial killer and send them away to burn in hell!? That is what they deserve. Oh, let's not forget the child molester, they are the worst of the worst.

Maybe so, but Christ came to make a way for all. He came to change the hearts of men. Ted Bundy, a horrible serial killer who raped and murdered his victims, found Christ and went to heaven when he was executed on the electric chair. James Dobson interviewed him at Ted's request just before he died. The patience of God is beyond compare! If God is willing to forgive Ted Bundy, He is willing to forgive anyone.

K and A, you are not mass murderer, but you may sin beyond what you could ever imagine. Always remember that God is willing and patient to forgive your sins against him and others. Never think life is hopeless. Know that God wants you in his family, even if you have smeared his love and name before others. Like the prodigal son... he is looking for you. He will always restore you as part of the family when you go to him and repent. He saves the worst for us to know he will save us too.


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