Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Sounded Good, 1 Timothy 1:7

Sounded Good

1 Timothy 1:7 They want to be teachers of the law, but they do not know what they are talking about or what they so confidently affirm.

Have you ever heard someone wax eloquently about a spiritual matter? And, then when they were finished you thought to yourself, "that sounded really good but I'm not sure I believe all that." There are some people who talk well but what they teach or say is unbiblical. Do not let their false teachings trick you.

K and A, I believe this is what is happening in the church today. We have a lot of good sounding teachings that are very palatable, but they are false! A main reason is like what Paul said in 2 Timothy, people don't want sound doctrine, so they go to where they can hear the things they want to believe... now you can live like you want! So be careful... sermons should sting now and then.

But, another reason is that preachers do not know Biblical truths. They begin to teach modern philosophy, the latest cultural fad, political correctness, or social justice and use the scriptures to back it up. You know it is not what you learned, but it sounded so good you wonder if it is right. Don't fall for it. The Bible teaches truth, unity, hope, love, peace, separation from the culture (the world), servanthood, both the Old and New Testament in light of Jesus and the indwelling of the Spirit. If what is taught strays from any of these, question its validity, no matter how good it sounds.


Daughters, the Bible teaches way more, but these truths are essential benchmarks of the faith!

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