Monday, September 24, 2018

A Good Conscience, 1 Timothy 1:18b-19a

A Good Conscience

1 Timothy 1:18b-19a fight the good fight, holding on to faith and a good conscience...

In order to fight the good fight, hold on to faith in Christ and keep your conscience clear.

K and A, Grandpa used give an short example of what a conscience is and how to ruin it. I am not sure where he heard it, probably from his dad, so I pass it on to you...

An Indian stated that a conscience was the triangle thing in your chest that when you did something wrong it turned and as it rotated it hurt your heart. But, if you ignore it and did the wrong often enough, it wore off the corners of the triangle until it no longer hurt.

Daughters, keep you conscience clear. When you sense that you have done wrong, first make it right with God, then go to the person you offended and clear it up with them. If you don't, you will no longer think it is a sin. You'll have worn the corners off. Make sure to keep a good conscience.


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