Sunday, September 23, 2018

My Daughters, 1 Timothy 1:18

My Daughters

1 Timothy 1:18 Timothy, my son, I give you this instruction in keeping with the prophecies once made about you, so that by following them you may fight the good fight.

A, my daughter, stay firm in the faith and in your devotion to the Lord. Follow through with the plan God has for you. Use your talents of singing only for the glory of his kingdom. Then, expand those talents to play the piano and other instruments. Do not allow negativity or your current ability, or lack there of, keep you from doing more for him. Take what you have learned and share it with others that they too may fight the good fight.

K, my daughter, stay firm in the faith and in your devotion to the Lord. Follow through with the plan set out for you while in Tech. Renew your commitment to serve others by becoming a nurse with the character of Christ. I remember your writings of how you were led by the Lord to be a nurse. Strive to become the most caring and compassionate nurse that the infirmed have experienced. There is such a great need for you in today's world. Be willing to go where ever God wants you. He will help you in your call to fight the good fight.

Daughters... God desires to use you to help build his kingdom. Put the things of this world way behind you, commit to living for him, and you will win the good fight and gain eternal life with Christ as your reward!


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