Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Learn The Hard Way, 1 Timothy 1:20b

Learn The Hard Way

1 Timothy 1:20b whom I handed over to Satan to be taught a lesson.

Paul was fed up with some who were not following the doctrines of the church. They were leading others astray. So Paul, as described by Jesus in Matthew, and by Paul himself in 1 Corinthians made them leave the church to be subject to the temptations and works of the devil and learn the hard way.

A and K, that is a terrible place to be. Paul had done so that they might return to Christ, but they might never return. As horrible as that is, it is better than the destruction of the local church body. At times some parents do this as well. They try to teach and show their children how to live, they give them sound wisdom from the Word, but their child goes astray and does not follow their instructions. They must be let go and not pandered to. This is opposite of what is happening in families and in churches today... we acquiesce and by doing so destroy the fabric of the family!

Daughters, this has happened in our own family. Grandpa demanded and pleaded with them to follow the truths of Scripture but they refuse. He allowed them to flee, knowing they might not return. So far they haven't. This hurts, for eternal punishment in the lake of fire is real and it is not want a parent desires for their children. But, unless they learn from their time in sin, that is where they will spend eternity.

If you ever find me pleading with you to do what I have taught you, know that I am concerned for your soul. I want our family united in heaven. But if I ever start being quiet... take warning, for I haven't stopped caring, I haven't changed my beliefs, no I just allowed you to go your own way, to go the way of Satan so you may learn the hard way. To do so will pierce my heart, but you'll leave me no choice. I'll let you go, praying that God will show you the way home.


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