Sunday, September 2, 2018

My Child, 1 Timothy 1:2a

My Child

1 Timothy 1:2a To Timothy, my true son in the faith...

I am not sure if being Paul's true son meant that he led Timothy to Christ, or if it meant that he became like a father to him and taught him and trained him. In his commentary, Adam Clarke, an incredible Wesleyan theologian of the past, believed it to referred to Paul's training of Timothy in spiritual matters.

K and A, each of you is my child, one naturally and the other adopted. That, I am happy with. I am glad you're mine! But.... I am much happier that you are as well My Child of my faith.

A, you have had a lifetime of learning from me. I have tried to lead you in the way of the Lord, so you can serve him throughout your life ahead.

K, for one year I concentrated on teaching you one on one. You wanted to learn everything you could from me. But sadly, during that time things got sidetracked. Hopefully you have learned some things you will take with you in your walk with the Lord.

I am most thankful God had me start these Forever Dad posts. It gives me the opportunity to continue to lead you in the soundness of the God's Word. It makes available God's truths to you. It is not one on one and you required to take the time to read them, but  if you do, I believe God will use them in your life to help you grow in your faith. Read and learn, My Child. Ask me questions any time. I love you both and desire God's best for you. Serve him all your days. Even as others turn and follow the world, you walk with the Lord as His Child.


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