Thursday, September 13, 2018

The Law Is Good, 1 Timothy 1:8-11

The Law Is Good

1 Timothy 1:8 We know the law is good, if one uses it properly

I did not do a thorough study on this. this post is general in nature and partly my opinion based on my understanding of Scripture.

People in general resist laws. It was the original sin. In fact, there is no sin if there is no law! Eve decided that God's one law was not for her. She decided to violate that one law, and when she got Adam to partake with her, all mankind began to suffer the sting of sin.

God's laws have at least two purposes:
  • To keep us from suffering
  • To inform us to what God declares as evil
Wouldn't it be cruel to go through life no knowing what is right or wrong then come to the end of time and hear God say, Bermp… you lose. Here are all the wrong things you did. Off to the lake of fire with him...That just wouldn't be right. Learn God's heart, learn what he calls evil, read the OT law.

As we go throughout life, suffering is a part of it. It comes because sin is in the world. It is caused either when we sin or as we are affected by others' sin. If we want to minimize suffering, obey the law. It refreshes the soul! It teaches us how to get along. And, it defines proper sexual relationships. The law is good!

K and A, so much in the church today is about doing as the spirit leads, no rules. Do not fall into Satan's traps. He uses those who think they know what's going on to fool the people who thought they knew. They feed on the natural appetites of man to lead them away from what God defines as right and wrong... Read the OT for yourself and learn God's heart, for the law is good!


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