Thursday, November 8, 2018

8 Review, Church Elder, 1 Timothy 3:2-7

8 Review, Church Elder

As I was writing explanations for these qualifications of a leader, what kept running through my mind was how poorly the church does at developing and appointing leaders; pastors for the local church. Church pastoral committees and the like looks too much at the style, age, schooling, and ability to deliver a good sounding sermon than they do at these individual character traits denoted by Paul. It is so crucial for the stability and growth of the believers for this position to be taken seriously. After all, they give spiritual direction to the local church. They are the shepherds and caretakers of the flock.

A and K, you will not be a pastor of a church, but you will have influence in your church. When you have the chance to lead, do so with integrity. That isn't done by how you talk or handle yourself at that specific time, rather it is how you have developed these qualities in your life up to that time. Put these traits into your being, live them, become the leader God calls you to be! It take preparation. Start now.


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