Friday, November 30, 2018

True Godliness, 1 Timothy 3:16

True Godliness

1 Timothy 3:16 Beyond all question, the mystery of godliness is great:

He appeared in a body
Was vindicated by the Spirit
Was seen by angels
was preached among the nations
was believed on in the world
was taken up in glory

The second phrase was confusing to me. It didn't appear to fit with the description on God written after it. It says it is hard to know what godliness is then it seems to change subjects and talks about Jesus. So, I researched and read what Adam Clarke wrote about it (Clarke on this verse). Then, God opened my eyes...

Godliness is difficult in all its forms. People, including me, have a tendency to define all of life so we don't fail in living out the Word. This is both good and bad. The Pharisees did this and were condemned by Jesus and the apostles. Yet, Jesus, Peter, James and John, and Paul do it to help guide the church because it is necessary. But here, Paul says if you want to know the real way of holiness, It is found in Christ.

Christ was God come to earth as a baby, empowered by the Spirit, recognized by the angels and has returned to heaven. He has been preached to the nations, and people everywhere believe in him. This Jesus, God among us, is the one who exemplifies the word godliness. Sure, it is a mystery, yet this mystery is revealed in the man Jesus Christ.

K and A, the things I teach you are important. I try to lead you in a path that will not fail you and one where you will not falter, yet I do not have all the answers and something I say may be fallible. So, like the Bereans, compare what I say against the Word of God and pray and meditate on them so you may be like Christ. Paul says it this way, follow me as I follow Christ. I say the same to you.


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