Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Serve Well, 1 Timothy 3:13

SErve Well

1 Timothy 3:13 Those who serve well gain an excellent standing and great assurance in their faith in Christ Jesus.

"Work hard, Do well, Excel"... ever heard that before?

Paul tells Timothy that those who have served well at their leadership position will gain an excel in their faith and their assurance of salvation will grow. There is much talk today about Jesus does it all, we have nothing to do with our salvation. That is reformed theology running strong, but when it runs amuck, people shrink in their faith and often are destroyed.

It is true that we in no way can save ourselves, and it is only through Jesus that we have access the Father, yet we have great responsibility when it comes accepting these truths and in living out our faith. It is God's desire that all be saved, yet most will be lost for eternity for that road is wide and full of wanderers. To walk the narrow road, we must believe that Jesus is the way, we must accept his forgiveness, we must obey his commands.

Much has be said of the puritan work ethic, both negatively and in positive terms. This verse shows the proper understanding of hard work. Here are other verses that show the value of hard work:

Hard work must be done for the Lord or it is done in vain. (me on 1 Cor 15:58)
All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty. (Prov 14:23)
Self Esteem is gained when you accomplish something (Grandpa)

K and A, there are many in the church that wonder about their assurance of salvation. what they, and you need to do is this: Verify that your faith in Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. See if you love Jesus - am you obeying the commands of God and of Christ (John 14:15). If these are true then get up and get moving. God has work for you to do. He has given you talents, put them to work for his glory! When you have done this, you will build confidence and strength in your reliance on Christ. This confidence will assure you that Christ will continue his work in your life (Phil 1:6).

Daughters, you are to work for confidence, not arrogance. There is a big difference. You work to please the Lord, to hear those word, not just at the end or time but at the end of each day: Well done my good and faithful servant. No better words can be said to build your faith and assurance in Christ. So, Work hard, Serve well, and excel in your faith!


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