Thursday, November 15, 2018

9d. Sincere, 1 Timothy 3:8

9d. Sincere

1 Timothy 3:8 In the same way, deacons are to be worthy of respect, sincere, not indulging in much wine, and not pursuing dishonest gain.

Sincerity is a trait that is not normally talked about. But there are many who never are serious about life. Everything is a joke. There is nothing sacred. you can make fun of anything. A deacon must recognize that there are somethings you never joke about. Some things must be handles with "kid gloves". This is true with hurting people and people who are on the edge. The difficult thing for people is to know who they are and how to recognize their condition. A deacon is to err on the side of sincerity.

K and A, not everything is to be made fun of or make a joke out of. Some things are holy and sacred. Some of these are... sin, drugs or alcohol, marriage, baptism, foot-washing, communion, sexual issues. Those who can't understand this should not be leaders. Also, its fun to joke around with people, but when have you gone too far... If I do not know them or how life has been goin g for them, I like to look at their eyes. If it isn't fun for them, then it isn't funny! Just because you can joke around with them last time, doesn't mean you can today. We don't always know the hurts people carry. Err on the safe side. And, when you make a mistake and go too far, don't ignore their hurt, apologize and ask forgiveness. Do sluff it off with another joke.

Leaders recognize the sacred and care for the hurting. Not everything is a practical joke. There are serious times in life. Show others you care by rejoicing with those who rejoice and mourning with those who mourn.


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