Monday, November 12, 2018

9c. Worthy Of Respect, 1 Timothy 3:8

9c. Worthy Of Respect

1 Timothy 3:8 In the same way, deacons are to be worthy of respect, sincere, not indulging in much wine, and not pursuing dishonest gain.

An elder in the church is to be respectable. That is a succinct way of saying worthy of respect. Yet, the later phrase, worthy of respect, opens the meaning up a bit. A deacon earns the respect he receives. He is not just a nice guy. No, he lives and acts in such a way that he deserves to be respected. People honor him because he treats others well, because he lives with integrity, because he is wholly devoted to the Lord.

K and A, devote yourself wholly to the Lord. Live in such a way that people automatically respect you. You don't deserve respect just because you hold an office, a position in life. No, it comes to you as a result of your actions and your demeanor. Be the woman others can naturally respect, then lead with authority.


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