Wednesday, November 7, 2018

8o. Good Reputation, 1Timothy 3:7

80. Good Reputation

1 Timothy 3:7  He must also have a good reputation with outsiders, so that he will not fall into disgrace and into the devils trap.

Is the man respected by non-Christians as well as with people inside the walls of the church? Do people of the world despise his presence or do they appreciate them being in their midst? This is the last qualification mentioned for an overseer of the church. That certainly doesn't mean that it is any less important that the others. Some Christians are too brash, to in-your-face to be accepted by those outside the church. It is not that the world can't relate to him, no it is that they cannot stand to be with him.

K and A, do the non-Christians who you work around run when they see you coming? Do they feel you are coming at them with an agenda to hit them over the head with your Bible, always condemning them in everything they do? I doubt it, but please do not become like today's worldly church that believes it must become like them to win them. No, you can retain your separation and still be accepted by them.

Let me give a personal example... when a person from our church found out that I got the job at Tech, they scoffed at the thought. They just new I would not be able to relate to the students for I was much too religious for today's youth. After I taught for awhile and mentioned how I enjoyed teaching and how well things were going in the classroom they were shocked! You see, I never became like the students. We had very little in common. The students knew where I stood on spiritual issues and they saw it carry out in my daily life. They never saw me loose my temper and curse and swear. They never heard me make sexual innuendos or tell sexual jokes. My actions matched my beliefs. But,  I did see and heard of other teachers who would do such things, especially subs... point being you do not have to be like them to win them! I was well respected and had little discipline issues in the classroom. My reputation was strong and well I was well received.

Daughters, I said that to say this. Don't be a "bible-thumper" and Do not change your values and convictions to fit in with the crowd/co-workers. Love others with the love of Christ and care for their needs. Be real, your spirituality must not be faked. Serve others and seek their best, then you will have a reputation that is impeccable!


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