Thursday, November 22, 2018

9h. Passes The Litmus Test, 1 Timothy 3:10

Passes The Litmus Test

1 Timothy 3:10 They must first be tested; and then if there is nothing against them, let them serve as deacons.

This verse tells me that it is important to check out the person that is being considered for a leadership position. It is not just enough just to look good. A leader must be good. It is appropriate for a selection committee or pastor or church board to validate the qualifications of a candidate for a teaching or leadership role. Who are they, what is their past, how have they grown from past failures? These are valid questions. No one is above being vetted.

K and A, it is easy to go to church and look good among others. For two hours, one can put on their best face and become the kindest, most pleasant, holy looking person, but what are they like in real  day-to-day life? What would people find out about you, daughters, if they checked your web surfing history? What videos do you watch on You Tube, or Netflix, etc... Who would they find on Pandora to be your most listened to music? How is your speech when speaking to your husband, your friends or about others to your friends. Make sure you are holy all week long. Remember that God always sees you. You are constantly being vetted for a position in heaven. I want you to pass that ultimate test, and if you can pass that test, you can pass them all.


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