Saturday, November 10, 2018

9a. Full Of The Spirit, Acts 6:3

9a. Full Of The Spirit

Acts 6:3 Brothers, choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom,

In this verse of Acts, Grecian Jewish widows were not being taken care of like the Hebraic widows, so they complained to the apostles. Realizing that they would have to neglect their ministry of the Word of God in order to "wait on tables", the apostles asked for seven men to be chosen to see to the physical needs of the church people. The apostles recognized the importance that these men would be full of the Spirit of God. Because of the deacons' effectiveness, the Spirit moved among the people and the word of God spread.

K and A, I won't get into all it means to be full of the Spirit. First of all that would take quite awhile and because I am not sure all it means... but just the phrase itself gives it quite a bit of meaning, full of the Spirit.

What I will discuss is how important it is for you as a leader to be full of the Spirit. Verse 7 in Acts 6 says: so, the Word of God spread. Holy men and women are needed in all the positions of the church. If you are to be an effective teacher to children or to youth... be holy. If you are going to sing and minister effectively, be full of the Spirit. If you are going to lead VBS, your closeness of God is what makes your efforts successful. Sure, you can work on your own God given and developed talents, but you are ineffective your service to God.

Many serve because they are asked or possibly because it makes them feel good inside. In a way that is good for the church when no one else is willing step up, but that is not why you are to serve. You are to serve for the benefit of the kingdom. You serve because you are God's voice and helping arms of grace to his people. You are to serve so the Word of God can spread. The only way to effectively be Christ to the people you serve is to be full of his Spirit. Open yourselves, ladies. to the presence of God full in your life!


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