Wednesday, November 21, 2018

9g. A Clear Conscience, 1 Timothy 3:9

A Clear COnscience

1 Timothy 3:9 They must keep hold of the deep truths of the faith with a clear conscience.

We could discuss different parts of this verse; the need to hold on, the idea that the truths are not some shallow list of rules or a shallow love that makes us all feel giddy inside, no there are truths of the scripture that are deep and full, they take effort to comprehend but are so important to our faith, we could also talk about our faith, what it is and why so important, yet today, we will talk about our conscience but more than that we will discuss the need for it to be clear. (and 'll try to make it less than this intro)

It is important that we remain faithful to the truths of the Scripture in our lives. It is not good enough to know what they say we must do them. A leader must be able to live out the truths of the Word. He is not to make excuses that we are all sinners and therefor cannot live a holy life. No! We are to be sinners who have been changed. We are to be a new creation. We must be able to lead knowing we fulfill the commands of Christ and not just teach them.

K and A, when you teach at church or you lead others at work, you must be living out the Christian life. Don't teach, Do as I say, not as I do. This is blasphemy! Live it out in your private life. Live with integrity. Teach with a clear conscience knowing others are watching how you live and how it measures up.


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