Tuesday, November 6, 2018

8n. Mature Christian, 1 Timothy 3:6

V8n. Mature Christian

1 Timothy 3:6 He must not be a recent convert, or he may become conceited and fall under the same judgement as the devil.

This is so important. Many church authorities look at a person's natural abilities or at their educational qualities... what are their talents and gifts. But, that is minor in the scheme of things. What is their spiritual acumen? How spiritually sounds are their judgements. Once that is established, then you look at their natural or learned abilities.

K and A, I want you to excel in all you do... work hard, do well, excel!

K, I want you to be the best, most caring nurse, moving up and becoming the best supervisor helping others to excel in the field and caring for the sick and the elderly!

A, I want you to excel at the piano, for it to be natural and for you to learn how to play all the other instruments. I want you to sing with excellence, in tune and full, then to be effective at teaching others to be the same.

Yet, that is so immaterial and worthless if you do not have a sound, growing relationship with Christ and his Spirit. For me to know that you are a servant of Christ and submissive to the wisdom and knowledge of the Spirit is worth so much more! And when you combine this with what I desire for you, God will make you the nurse who know everything and loves and cares for her patients. You will be the singer that carrying the word of God to others through song. You will be the one who develops young people to use their talents for the Lord's work. Daughters, grow up in the Lord, be submissive to the Spirit and become the leader God wants you to be.


A side note... a Biblical truth found in this verse.... can one lose their salvation? This verse says yes. If a man becomes conceited as a leader of God's church, he will be thrown in the lake of fire for eternity, the judgement saved for the devil and his angels. How we act, shows our true heart and can condemns us to a fiery forever.

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