Thursday, November 15, 2018

9e. Never Drunk, 1 Timothy 3:8

9e. Never Drunk

1 Timothy 3:8 In the same way, deacons are to be worthy of respect, sincere, not indulging in much wine, and not pursuing dishonest gain.

As with an elder of a church, a deacon is to never be drunk. I said much about this in a post on October 13th, 8h. and won't repeat all that. This verse states it slightly different. The other verse states they are not to be a drunkard. This one clarifies that to say they will not drink much wine. Never drunk helps us understand the concept of what Paul was referring to here.

K and A, what is the best way to never be drunk? Never drink! This is my encouragement to you. You both grew up with this, sadly you both became related to those who drink. They make no qualms about it. You, be different! Take the higher road. Lead by example and never give into the pressures especially at holidays and weddings. Like many sacred beliefs of the past, many others in the church will scoff at your devotion. Its the best way, never any regrets! Choose the joy that comes from the right Spirit, not from a glass of spirits!


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