Monday, November 5, 2018

8m. Manage Family Well, 1 Timothy 3:4-5

8m. Manage family Well

1 Timothy 3:4-5 He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him with proper respect. (If anyone does not know how to manage his family, how can he take care of God's church?)

Manage - to control or direct, to be the head of
Obedient - to willingly comply, to be submissive to

The head of the local church must be a good manager of his personal life, especially his family. He needs to make wise decisions which will result in the advancement of the family . This deals with the spiritual and physical decisions as well as financial ones. He needs to be the head of the home and in control of the decisions. Every decision may not be the best, yet he will take ownership of his mistakes and learn from them. He will treat his wife well and properly discipline his children so that they will comply with his directives. They will listen and learn from him, for he will not allow them to be out of control. If they are, they will submit to his correction with respect. This is the kind of man you can trust to direct the church.

K and A, I pray that this is the kind of husband you will have as well. Help him become that person. Do your part in developing these character traits in his character. Do not be satisfied with a slacker! Stir him on to do great things! Help him train your children. Never argue with how they are to be disciplined in front of the children. Figure that out before you have them (before you marry is best) and when something unexpected comes up, trust him to make the right choice or deal with it at a later time away from the children's ears.

Helping him become a great leader in your home will prepare him to be a leader in the church, maybe even a pastor or missionary. You will be able to serve with him where ever God wants leads you!


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