Sunday, November 11, 2018

9b. Full Of Wisdom, Acts 6:3

9a. Full Of Wisdom

Acts 6:3 Brothers, choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom,

In my mind, it would be difficult to be full of the Spirit and not full of wisdom. Yet, wisdom, being such a crucial attribute for a leader and in this case, for a deacon, the apostles included it in the choosing of the first deacons. Remember the original trouble they were called to solve, the Hebraic Jews never saw the plight of the Grecian Jews. Whether it was on purpose or just an overlook, we are not sure, but what we do know is the Grecian widows were not getting taken care of, and they were not happy about it. The new deacons had to smooth out a difficult situation by figuring out who was in need without the guise of prejudice. If you ever were in charge of giving money to the needy you know how much wisdom is crucial to your decisions.

K and A, in James it says that if anyone lacks wisdom, you should ask God. God will past your faults and give to you if you have faith and do not doubt! Daughters, as leaders, as teachers, and especially as parents, you need wisdom. There are so many decision that need knowledge beyond what you have. You need a source that help you beyond you own abilities. Go to God, ask him and he will provide.


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