Sunday, November 25, 2018

9o. Manages His Household Well, 1 Timothy 3:12

Manages His Household Well

1 Timothy 3:12 A deacon must be the husband of but one wife and must manage his children and his household well.

How is managing your household different than managing your children? It is true that children are not only part of the household, they are main concern of the household. That is why the others parts are so important to manage well. A man must have a clear direction and hope for his family. He must be willing to work to see it accomplished. He must stir others to participate in the work and get them to sense the importance of his vision. How does he handle money? How does he treat the members of his family? Does he encourage or lord his authority over them? These and many more attributes are important.

K and A, choose or encourage a worthy husband that will lead his household well. How does he treat you? Does he encourage and build you up? Does he kick you around and speak rough, or will he lift and guide you gently along? If he is like this you will walk close beside him and God will use the two of you along with your children in the work of the Lord. What a joy it is to work side by side serving the Lord together!


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