Saturday, November 24, 2018

9j Does Not Tear Others Down, 1 Timothy 3:11

9j. Does Not Tear Others Down

1 Timothy 3:11 In the same way, their wives are to be women worthy of respect, not malicious talkers but temperate and trustworthy in everything. 

There are those who cannot help but insult others. They are always finding fault with what others do, how they look, or the way they speak. Certainly they know better, they are more refined, more intelligent and obviously more talented. They know, therefor they have the right to straighten out everyone. This is not right for any child of God, but it is of great importance that a leader's wife avoids all such appearance.

A and K, build others up. Your speech is to lift others not used to tear them down. A leaders wife has such an important role. You will be the glue that hold the church together or the wedge that divides them. You need to be the be the quiet spirit consoling, comforting and caring for others. You are to  come along side and encourage. You are to teach, to mentor and exhibit the way of Christ. Those who malign others destroy, but you, you must build the church. That should be your goal, and I know you can do it.


Note: Leaders build but that does not mean they never correct others or think that others are never are at fault or doing wrong. If someone is wrong, they are wrong and they must know the are. But, you must not destroy them in the process. Correction must lift others. If it hurts them, then you must find another way to show them. This is so important. Oh, and if you fail and someone is hurt... apologize. Let them know that was not your intent. Never get an attitude and stop caring for others. Always be willing to help others in their walk with the Lord.

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