Friday, November 23, 2018

9i. WIfe Worthy Of Respect, 1 Timothy 3:11

Wife Worthy Of Respect

1 Timothy 3:11 In the same way, their wives are to be women worthy of respect, not malicious talkers but temperate and trustworthy in everything. 

A leader must have a wife who passes the leadership tests as well. Paul didn't want Timothy to set up the leadership in the church with men whose wives were not solid Christians. They too must be worthy of their position, because they will be closely involved alongside their husbands in the work of the Lord. Therefor, these women, like their husbands, must be worthy of respect.

K and A, I pray that someday you will be serving God alongside your husband as he leads those within the church. Whether as a deacon's wife or the wife of a pastor, you will have a great responsibility as you help him lead. You too have the same requirements as him. He is not to be chosen if you are not a respectable person. So, check your attitudes, your actions, and your speech. To they measure up to God's standards? Live in such a way that your husband can be used to lead the people in God's kingdom!


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