Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Reminder 7: Nothing Special, Titus 3:4-5

Reminder 7: Nothing Special

Titus 3:4-5 But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit.

I struggled over the title of today's post. It is hard, in today's society to tell people they are not special. Even within the church setting, we like to make sure everyone feels special. Far be it for anyone to feel slighted, left out, or inferior. But, after much thought and consideration, I settled on the title: Nothing Special.

In my early years at school, I was somebody; near the top of my class, well liked, part of a group of three guys; Joel, Jan, and Jay. We ruled... Then, I moved from the Newville area to Perry County and became a nobody. I was put in a lower level class, had very few friends, was tormented by a teacher in a way I will not discuss, hated him for years until God required me to forgive him. Life took a major shift which, I am sure, still affects me today. But, it was good in ways as well.

One thing I learned is that I am nothing special. It is not because of who I am that makes me important. I am not a Christian because I came from a good Christian home, one that was conservative in belief and action, not because I use abilities that others choose not to... most people could do much more than know. No matter the "righteous" life I grew up in and the one I choose to live, that is not why I am a Christian... in no way was I owed the title, Christian. I am nothing special... No, I am a Christian because God loved me, because of his kindness and mercy, for without him I am nothing, no matter how good I appear to others.

K and A, you are not a gift to the world. Within seconds, your life can completely change. It could be your fault or caused by someone else... and you are left helpless. Yet, because there is a God in heaven that loves and cares for you, there is always hope! I think you two are special in many ways... but none of those way will ever save you. As Isaiah said, we cannot come to God on our own merit, our righteousness are like filthy rags. It is because of Christ and his sacrifice that you can be saved. He makes the way possible.


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