Sunday, March 31, 2019

Little Sin, No Big Deal?! 2 Timothy 3:13

Little Sin, No Big Deal?!

2 Timothy 3:13 while evil men and imposters will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.

There are may people who believe that sins come in degrees of badness. To some extent, that is true, for in the Old Testament sins had a different degree of restitution. For example, if a man sinned, he must sacrifice a female goat to the Lord, if he sins against God, he must present a Ram, and if he sinned against his neighbor, then he must present a ram and pay a penance. And their are some sins that took the life of the one committing them.

A and K, I said all that for clarification... some sins are more egregious than others. Yet, that does not mean it makes no difference if you commit a less egregious one. First of all, an eternal fire is prepared for the devil, his angels, and all whose names are not in the book of life. The Word says that all liars have a place in the lake of fire, not just those who tell really "big whoppers". And second, and one of the points of this verse and my writing, small sins lead to bigger ones. You cannot expect to sin against yourself, your neighbor, or against God in a little manner and not expect it to have a greater consequence. Do not fool yourself into thinking some sin is so minor that it has no eternal consequence... as this verse says, it will go from bad to worse. You will not only deceive others you will have deceived yourself! Stay true. Allow no sin to control you. Master it before it masters you!


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