Thursday, April 7, 2016

I John Conclusion

April 6, 2016 on 04-07-16

A and K, here again are the main themes of 1st John:

     Attributes of God
     General Information
     Info on Satan and Followers
     What Not to Do
     What We Are to Do

We have made it too simple to "accept" Christ. I was instrumental in the salvation of a person a few years back. (the words they, their, them, etc are singular in this post) As I explained the need of God in their life, I told them they must be willing to leave the things of the world behind and to take on the way of Christ described in his word, the Bible. There are thing to do and things not to do as a Christian. They must be willing to give up their old way of life that matches the world.

Overtime they decided that this was what they wanted and began to seek out the ways of the Lord. They told me they were stopping the worlds ways and seeking the way of the cross instead. I could see sparked interest in the Word which showed fruit in their life as they left the world and clung to Christ.

But then over time they began to loose the same interest in the things of God. Sure they did what most do... attend church and participate in some spiritual things, but their fervor, their excitement and specifically their questions ceased. so what happened?..

I find out that there were areas of sin and some things of the world they chose not to give up. This allows the devil to get a foothold, (Eph 4:27) and we cannot shake his grip. Now their life is double faced... their life is mixed with the world and with Godly things. John says this cannot be!

Daughters, if you are listening to the world's music and dancing and partying with it, you will not remain faithful to God. You will struggle and fall. Your passion for Christ and his Word will wane and you will be on a slippery slope trying to live out two lives. Today's church is trying to do this and we are slowly being destroyed. They raise their hands, speak in tongues, sing and faint in the spirit, yet their lives are full of sin. I plead with you to be different. Test the spirits (4:1), as John says, follow the words of the apostles (4:6), and walk in the light so you might be purified from all sin (1:7). Then you will will faithfully walk with Christ and I will be one grateful dad!


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