Sunday, April 3, 2016

I John Review: What to Do, Part 4

April 02, 2016 on 04-03-16

What to Do...

  • Walk in the Light
  • Purify Yourself
  • Do Right
  • Love, It's What We Do
  • Grow up
  • Listen to the Apostles
  • Overcome the World
  • Stop Sinning
  • Test the Spirits
  • Keep It
  • Keep from Idols
  • Love One Another
  • Pray for Them
  • Keep Yourself Safe
For John, keeping it has to do with keeping to the teaching of the apostles. You must not lose what they have taught. I have found that the way we lose the Biblical teachings is to stop hearing or reading them. Like anything learned, most is lost or forgotten by not continually reviewing the information. Take the French and Indian war for example. What did it have to do with American history? Why do we care if the French and Indians were fighting? Easy to forget those history lessons, because we just don't use the information. (and yes I know they were fighting together against the colonies and England)

The point is that we must know what information is important and then review it in order to not repeat the mistakes of the past. Of the most important is spiritual matters which are found in the scriptures. Unless we desire to know the Word of God, we will not remember what it says, and we will repeat the same sins of the people of the past. Romans 15:4 says it this way... For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope. Therefor, Christians must study and meditate on God's Word if they are to keep to the teachings of Christ and his apostles and to the commands and laws of the Lord.

One of the Ten Commandments is to not make a graven image of anything in creation to worship. (btw, most christians only believe in nine of the commandments including most anyone that reads this) In order to love God with heart, mind, and soul, we cannot replace him or even add in others on his level. Who or what do we trust with our safety? What do we count on to give us peace and hope? Where do we turn when we have conflict? Many turn to guns, yoga, alcohol, some to drugs, and others to counselors and now in an election cycle we see promises that if we trust this politician all will be well. We must keep from trusting in anything that takes the place of God.

Daughters, are you keeping to the teaching of the apostles. If you aren't studying the Bible, both with others and on your own, you are not doing so adequately. Being in the Word draws you closer to God and when you do so, not only will your love for him grow, your love for him will cause you to want to please him by obeying what you have learned he expects in the life of a Christian. Then you will be caught in a wonderful cycle of desiring more of him, so you will study more about him and closer to him you will become and your love for him will grow even more. A an K, it is my desire for you to know God and to obedient to him. Keep what you have learned from me so you may continue to love him even more.


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