Monday, April 4, 2016

I John Review: What to Do, Part 6

April 04, 2016

What to Do...

  • Walk in the Light
  • Purify Yourself
  • Do Right
  • Love, It's What We Do
  • Grow up
  • Listen to the Apostles
  • Overcome the World
  • Stop Sinning
  • Test the Spirits
  • Keep It
  • Keep from Idols
  • Love One Another
  • Pray for Them
  • Keep Yourself Safe
Safety is a big issue today. We rely on lots of devices to keep safe. From clothing to airbags to security systems, our protection is a concern. We desire to keep danger from affecting our personal safety. With break-ins seemingly everywhere, home security systems are the rage. Wireless installations and monitoring services make security effortless and reliable. If this is so necessary in our physical world why do people forget to protect their spiritual lives?

Spiritual safety is more important that the physical. If someone steals our stuff, it can be replaced. Even though our body can be harmed, that is only temporary, but the spiritual is eternal!

Many think we cannot protect our salvation. Like all of Satan's deceptions, that is partly true. On our own, we fail, but with Christ, we succeed. In fact, through out the Scripture we find instructions on how to protect your faith. Since the stories of the Bible were written to help us we can learn from them.

  • Adam and Eve... Teaches us to admit when we are wrong and not to pass the blame on others
  • Cane and Able... God tells Cain to master sin before it master him, he didn't listen :(
  • Jacob wrestled all night with the Angle of the Lord... Keep up the struggle, don't give up
  • Joseph ran from Potipher's wife... Run from the enticements of temptation
  • David was cut to the heart by the prophet Nathan... When faced with your sin, it should bring guilt and conviction.
  • Israelites told not to marry outside their religion... Protected the ways of the world from becoming theirs. sadly they didn't listen and they became like the world around them. :(
  • Our Spiritual Armor... Told to put it on so we can protect our salvation against the devil's attacks
  • Attend church... You can be encouraged by others
A and K, you wear clothes, that is good. It covers and protects you. But be sure to put on your spiritual clothes and so protect the most important, your spiritual destiny. You have a duty to live in such a way that you maintain your salvation. Do not be like Israel who took on the ways of the world and lost their place with God. Daughters, stay in the Word and flee the pull of those around you who love the easy things of life so you can keep yourselves safe!


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