Tuesday, April 19, 2016

III John 1:2, Doing Well, Part 2 - Spiritual

April 18, 2016

Doing Well, Part 2 - Spiritual

III John 1:2... Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well...

In the last post, I spoke of how John cared for the physical needs of others. This is a crucial part in the ministry of the church... of a believer. But, if we fail to care for the spiritual, then we fail as a child of God. To take care of the physical body without caring for the spiritual is foolish, for what good is it to be healthy in this life if we will suffer for eternity, because we did not care about our soul?

The spiritual needs are most important, And, we desire others to be spiritually healthy. We strive to aid them when we see them in need, and we take their problems and cares to the Lord that he might intervene in their lives.

A and K, I have seen both of you care for the physical needs of others. And I know you desire to ease their hurts and that pleases me. But, I am so much more happy to know you reach out spiritually. K, your goal in life is to be a nurse. As you care for your patients, minister to them spiritually as well. A, want to sing... that is good, but my prayer is that when others hear you they are blessed in their spirit and desire God more because of your talent; never sing the songs of the world, sing for Jesus and his Kingdom.

Daughters, let me say one more thing that I am grateful for. To know both of you help to teach children about Christ brings me joy. Match your life with the Scriptures and you will carry many souls to the cross and to Heaven as well.


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