Monday, April 18, 2016

III John 1:1, My Dear Friend

April 16, 2016

My Dear Friend

III John 1:1... The elder, To my dear friend Gaius, whom I love in the truth...

In this passage, John writes to a dear friend expressing his general concern he has for him but in essence he writes to tell him he will soon be visiting. I will save more about his letter in later posts.

My aim today... to say how much you mean to me. I think you both would agree that I am an elder... although you might just say old. (:

You are both dear to me. I know I have been telling both of you how to live your life. A, I have been doing that for you going on 20 years and have been quite direct and demanding at times even helping you grow with the help of "eagle power". K, you have only been my daughter for 2-1/2 years. This week you will be 21. You have received 19 years of instruction in one. Looking back I am sure that has been hard to take, and I have hurt you in the process. I have let up on the direct instruction, and have chosen to instruct the two of you together to keep from making you feel attacked.

You are two "whom I love in the truth." I care about who you are and who you will become. So, each day I work to encourage you to follow God's Word by living it out. I try to warn you of false teachings by showing you scripture contrary to what is being taught with in the church and which is accepted by society.

I love you both. You are not only daughters, you are friends. "I hope to see you soon!"

The elder ~Dad

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