Sunday, April 3, 2016

I John Review: What to Do, Part 5

April 03, 2016

What to Do...

  • Walk in the Light
  • Purify Yourself
  • Do Right
  • Love, It's What We Do
  • Grow up
  • Listen to the Apostles
  • Overcome the World
  • Stop Sinning
  • Test the Spirits
  • Keep It
  • Keep from Idols
  • Love One Another
  • Pray for Them
  • Keep Yourself Safe
As we hold fast to the truths we have learned, we live them out in our lives. Jesus said they will know we are Christian because of our love for one another. He also said to love our enemies, but we must stress the need for Christians to love those in the "household of faith." We must take care of our own and then reach out to others (Gal 6:10). Please note this never excludes taking care of those outside the faith, instead it says we must never neglect our own. We may spend time with other believers, and when they irk us we think they should know better since they are Christians, how could they be so rude, and they call themselves Christians?  That is an improper response to being offended. Instead we need to patiently work to understand the problem and to make amends. Note that Jesus said that when we are at the altar to give to the Lord in some way and remember that someone has something against us... we are to go make it right, then come back and offer our promise to the Lord.

Included in this is prayer. Praying for each other helps us to love each other. This is true unless we have a demented prayer like the publican who said I am glad I am not a sinner like that man over there... We need to pray for the benefit of others that they may be blessed by God. We desire the success of those we love.

K and A, I pray for you because I love you both. I desire God's blessing to settle on you and bring you peace and joy. I care how you live your life, because I want God to be pleased with you. It is one thing to know God loves you, but it is better to know that he is pleased with you. It is a dad's greatest joy to know that as well. Daughter's love each other and those in the family of God. Pray for them and that they succeed in life even if it means they elevate past you. This is an area where we find joy when we carry it out for we sense the approval of God.


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