Saturday, April 9, 2016

II John 1:7, Many Deceivers

April 9, 2016

II John 1:7... Many deceivers, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh, have gone out into the world. Any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist...

An antichrist is anyone who purposely teaches falsehoods about Christ. They may deny he came from God or that he was not a man. They may deny his miracles, label him as just a good teacher, or just say he never existed. God came to earth in the flesh. This man was Jesus, the Christ. He was born, although a miraculous birth, lived and died, and came to life again. Jesus is real!

The father of all deceivers, Satan, has convinced many to deny Christ. He has inspired some of them to convince others that Christ is just a story to make us all feel good. We all know people who have believed his lies. But, we must stand and tell the truth about Jesus. Our lives must tell the real story of the God's Son. If we are walking with the world and are doing what they do, we cloud our witness and may deny the truths ourselves.

K and A, who are you telling? Asked differently, how are you telling those God brings into your life that Jesus is real? Do you live in a way that says, "I am a follower of the true Jesus?" Or do you cloud your witness by walking on the wide road. I encourage you to walk the narrow road with Jesus. In doing so, other will see Jesus in you and know that he is real!


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