Sunday, April 10, 2016

II John 1:8, Don't Lose Your Reward

April 10, 2016

Don't Lose Your Reward

II John 1:8... Watch out that you do not lose what you have worked for, but that you may be rewarded fully...

It is easy to lose sight of what God has for us. It is true in the life we are living and also true for what lies ahead after we die. Satan's desire is to make us sleepy as Christians, just going through the motions. He is pleased when we just go to church every Sunday and maybe Wednesday too, while the rest of the week we live without thought to his Word. In getting busy with life, we lose track of what is truly important.

An eternal focus is crucial for continuing in our walk with the Lord. To live out our salvation, is to keep spiritually minded. There is an old saying that is bogus... "he is too spiritually minded to be any earthly good." I know what is meant, but if we are truly spiritually minded, our earthly worth will bring forth great returns here in this life and in the life to come.

My concern is not so much that we lose earthly or even eternal rewards. It isn't that I do not want to receive honor from the Lord, I do. I just don't want to lose the greatest reward... Heaven! We must be careful that the cares of this world and the tricks of Satan and his antichrists do not pull us away from the truth and so begin to follow their lies. It is bad to be complacent and miss being productive for the Lord and lose some gems in our crown, but it is eternally worse to be led astray and lose the greatest reward, eternal life.

A and K, Stay in the Word. Know the truth and do not leave it go. Today's church has lost its spiritual fervor and has become complacent and is not living productive lives for the Lord. You need to be spiritual minded, daughters. It is not enough to attend church once or even twice a week. You must live for Christ all the time. You must be spiritually minded in all areas of your life. When you begin to be complacent, you are on your way to losing your rewards. Take a review of your life often. Be sure you are growing in the Lord, then you can be assured you will not only keep a few thank you's but will be certain that you will hear the greatest reward, "well done my good and faithful servant. Enter into the joys of thy Lord!" Now that is a reward you don't want to lose!


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