Thursday, April 14, 2016

II John Conclusion

April 14, 2016

II John Conclusion

The book of II John is not long, only 13 verses, so it is straight to the point and packs a powerful punch. It is a quick warning and exhortation on living life as a Christian. Being so poignant, it is all the more important we listen to his message.

We need to know that as Christians, there are those who go around among us who are led by Satan to destroy the church. They do so by teaching false doctrine. Like Satan, they give partial truths and then add in things contrary to the Word. People hear words that are familiar, and then never hear or just believe the rest. They also tell lies long enough that many believe them. Worse than anything, they appear to be people of faith using the speech and ways of a Christian.

They should be easy to spot. These antichrist add to the Scriptures by having "knowledge" beyond the Bible. They use this to lead people away. They exchange sound doctrine for the ways of the world.

We see this happening today. John tells us to walk in truth and love. He says to walk in obedience is to walk in love. We can find the truth in one location, although it has many parts, I'll break it into three. Many people want to follow the teaching of Christ, that's one - the Gospels. We can expound on the Gospels using the words of those that met Christ, that's two - the letters of the apostles. And finally we can know WWJD (What Jesus Would Do) by reading the Old Testament. We must be obedient in those three areas. (One caution, we must make sure we view the OT in light of the NT).

A & K, knowing the Word of God is crucial too keep you from being led astray in today's church. The ways taught as good today are the evil ways of the past. (Things like drinking and dancing, acceptance of worldly music, partying, and gambling tear away at the church's foundations by allowing the world to guide us. Open sexuality, acceptance of LBGT and divorce and remarriage have numbed our hearts and minds in the church. It has happened through acceptance ...let me talk of that tomorrow... )

Daughters, let me end II John by saying this to you. If you are not going to be led astray. Know your Bible. Study and use it like the Bereans, so the truth never leaves you. Flee the ways of the world and cling to what is Godly. Look at the practices and traditions of past generations and prove from Scripture that they are wrong before you listen to the 60's generation and abandon the ways of the past. Deceivers were in the church in John's day, they are certainly here now... as John wrote, live a life of love in truth and obedience to Christ.


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