Wednesday, April 13, 2016

II John 1:12, Face to Face

April 13, 2016

Face to Face

II John 1:12... I have much to write to you, but I do not want to use paper and ink. Instead, I hope to visit you and talk with you face to face, so that our joy may be complete...

What would John say today... I have much to message you about... I have much to text you... I have much to say, but I don't just want to email you... I have much to say, but Skype just doesn't cut it... I'd tweet you, but it doesn't let me say enough, 144 characters, right? It's just not the same as being there even with today's technology.

John wanted to visit his friends. Paper and ink just wasn't enough. Only seeing each other face to face would cut it. Being together would make it complete. Love can be shared through words but until you are together it is not complete.

This is true spiritually. God has given us his Word. It speaks of his love for us. It helps us and encourages us and strengthens us. But, it is no substitute for seeing him and being with him. It is possible to experience the presence of God now! Through a filling of the Spirit, we can touch God. Drawing close to him will bring satisfaction more than most people ever will in this life. Yet there is still the anticipation that one day we will see Jesus! What a day that will be!

A and K, I sure hope you can't wait to see Jesus. If you aren't ready to see him, The day he returns will be tragic for you and most other people of the world. Sad :(...  But if you are ready to see him (: what a glorious day! The love of your life. K, you remember when you were away at college and you couldn't wait to come home to see the love of your life... The day we see Jesus will be much better that. Earthly marriage is only a sampling of what Christ has in store for us... better than the best marriage, wow,  Truly a good day and life for eternity!


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