Friday, April 8, 2016

II John 1:1, Love in Truth

April 7, 2016 on 04-08-16

II John 1:1... To the chosen lady and her children, whom I love in the truth - and not I only, but also all who know the truth - ...

The book of John is one chapter long. It is a letter of warning against those who pervert the truth and so pervert the love of God and the love we have for each other.

We must love in truth. Those who fake their love, do not belong to God. We are called to love one another: for God is love. (I John 4:7) If you think it is hard to love your fellow believer, how will love your neighbor? And if you cannot love your neighbor, how will you ever love your enemy. You may think that loving your enemy is silly, but it is a command of Jesus. We are to have God's character, and if he is love then we need to also be love to others. But why an enemy?

Each of us were an enemy of God, yet he loved us and sent his son to die for us. Jesus willingly gave his life up even though he could have called a legion of angels to rescue him. If the world around each us is to be reconciled to God, we must love them. We can't just be nice to their face, we must love in truth.

K and A, Do you love everyone? When you say you love are you faking it with a pretty smile? You must love in truth and so share the love God has for others. People respond to true love. The only reason I was accepted by students in school was they knew I truly cared. I took interest in them and wanted them to succeed. K, love your clients and care for them. They are special to God. A, be real to those you sing to and to your classmates and teachers. Daughters, love your father and mother, so "it may go well with you. The first commandment with a promise." (Eph. 6:3) Never fake it, love from the heart.


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