Thursday, April 7, 2016

I John Review: What to Do, Complete

April 5, 2016

What to Do...

A and K, below you is the complete "What to Do" list. from the last few days. All in one place, without your daily exhortation. As you can see, you as a Christian have a lot to do if you want to remain a Christian. Living a life for Christ is not easy. In fact, Christ himself said that before we become a Christian we need to "count the cost" lest he be shown a fool. Will you be found fool hardy? I pray that will not happen.

Look at the list below. Which ones do not seem important to you? Reconsider your stance. John's words are inspired by the Holy Spirit. They are written so you may know how to "keep yourselves" in the faith. (Jude 1:21) You each have a responsibility to do... do the things necessary to walk with the Lord. It is the only way you will make it through to the end. Do it up, I know you can make it!


  • Walk in the Light
  • Purify Yourself
  • Do Right
  • Love, It's What We Do
  • Grow up
  • Listen to the Apostles
  • Overcome the World
  • Stop Sinning
  • Test the Spirits
  • Keep It
  • Keep from Idols
  • Love One Another
  • Pray for Them
  • Keep Yourself Safe
Take note of the order. It has been altered compared to the posting dates and have been rearranged to fit, as best as I could, to the life of a Christian. We need to first begin our walk with the Lord. Then we are to be purify ourselves. This is not to be something we do at a later time it is a necessity at the beginning. In fact the Scriptures say that we are "a new creation, the old has gone and the new has come." Way too many practice and teach that as new Christians we cannot not help but sin. We do new Christians a disservice when we expect them to fail. John says... no one is saved and continues to sin... that is strong. It needs to be our drive and expectation.

Love is a crucial aspect of our new life. We love God, his ways and we love others, even our enemies. Love is part of the DNA of a Christian. God is Love, and since we have been adopted into God's family we are to be love to others, It's what we do. It is not our fleshly nature, so we will need to take on the nature of the Spirit to live this out.

Growing up is a necessity. Here is where I give some leeway to sin... When we know a deed or thought is sinful., we must stop doing it! But there are some areas we don't know are sin, because we haven't learned about them yet. (not sure there is any Scripture for what I am saying but I see the concept there). Mature Christians have a responsibility to help others see the truths in the Word to help new believers, and older ones for that matter, so they know what sin. This is the purpose of Sunday school, sermons, radio and TV programs, and revival services. There is where we get exposed the truths God has given. Paul said the law helped him know what sin was. It couldn't keep him from sinning, but it did expose him to God's heart. Many skip the law thinking it is irrelevant. This is a big mistake. Of course, personal Bible study and meditation is crucial for growing up, so we have a responsibility to seek the truths for ourselves.

Part of growing in the Lord is learning what the apostles taught. It is recorder in Acts that thee early disciples committed themselves to the apostles teachings. The New Testament is a record of the life of Christ and the teaching of the apostles. It is sound doctrine of the truth God's new covenant with his people... those redeemed by Christ. The apostles taught that "all Scripture was God breathed." They meant the Old Testament and we include the New as well. What preachers or books or the internet says about  God is pointless unless it aligns with the Bible.

When we understand the heart of God found in his word, we want to live it out. There are many things to find there and to try to do all of them is a overwhelming task. Satan can use this to burden us and throw us off, and we begin to focus on the work of God instead of the God of the work. Now I do not see this to be a problem in today's church, but it has been an issue in the past and can easily return. One of the things that the Brethren in Christ and many others have done is to focus on the main point of the Bible and to add in the smaller things as we mature. I concur with this only if we do not minimize the smaller things as being less important. We need to see that the smaller truths of the Bible help us understand how to live out the major truths.

There are a few themes, so let me mention some and then concentrate on John's theme for today... God is slow to anger and abounding in love... Christ is the only way for forgiveness of sin... Love the Lord with all your heart and love you neighbor as yourself... And John's (which most churches do not mention)... Be Different than the world.

To stop sinning, we must overcome the world, Christ did. He was not like the world nor did he sin. We find nowhere in the Scriptures that Jesus went to the public baths, partied in the Roman temples, or went to the plays at the theater. If we are to overcome sin, we must separate ourselves from the world. Now what that does not mean needs to be understood. When Christ prayed for his disciples, he prayed that God would not take them out of the world, but that he would protect them from the evil in the world. We only separate ourselves from the practices of the world not the people of the world. What gives them pleasure should not be what brings us pleasure. The things associated with sinfulness, we should disassociate ourselves from.

There is a big and growing movement that says we don't need anyone to teach us what is right and wrong because the Spirit will tell each one. After all, the Bible even says in both the Old and New Testament that I will place my words in their hearts and that his Spirit will teach them. This movement is dangerous and will lead many astray. The problem? Too many will trust any feeling that inspires them. Without holding value to being "separate from the world" to check the authenticity of the spirit, they are mindlessly following anything and calling it Spirit inspired. John says to test the spirits, so we are not led astray. This is done through careful comparison to the Word of God.

For John, keeping it has to do with keeping to the teaching of the apostles. You must not lose what they have taught. I have found that the way we lose the Biblical teachings is to stop hearing or reading them. Like anything learned, most is lost or forgotten by not continually reviewing the information. Take the French and Indian war for example. What did it have to do with American history? Why do we care if the French and Indians were fighting? Easy to forget those history lessons, because we just don't use the information. (and yes I know they were fighting together against the colonies and England)

The point is that we must know what information is important and then review it in order to not repeat the mistakes of the past. Of the most important is spiritual matters which are found in the scriptures. Unless we desire to know the Word of God, we will not remember what it says, and we will repeat the same sins of the people of the past. Romans 15:4 says it this way... For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope. Therefor, Christians must study and meditate on God's Word if they are to keep to the teachings of Christ and his apostles and to the commands and laws of the Lord.

One of the Ten Commandments is to not make a graven image of anything in creation to worship. (btw, most christians only believe in nine of the commandments including most anyone that reads this) In order to love God with heart, mind, and soul, we cannot replace him or even add in others on his level. Who or what do we trust with our safety? What do we count on to give us peace and hope? Where do we turn when we have conflict? Many turn to guns, yoga, alcohol, some to drugs, and others to counselors and now in an election cycle we see promises that if we trust this politician all will be well. We must keep from trusting in anything that takes the place of God.

As we hold fast to the truths we have learned, we live them out in our lives. Jesus said they will know we are Christian because of our love for one another. He also said to love our enemies, but we must stress the need for Christians to love those in the "household of faith." We must take care of our own and then reach out to others (Gal 6:10). Please note this never excludes taking care of those outside the faith, instead it says we must never neglect our own. We may spend time with other believers, and when they irk us we think they should know better since they are Christians, how could they be so rude, and they call themselves Christians?  That is an improper response to being offended. Instead we need to patiently work to understand the problem and to make amends. Note that Jesus said that when we are at the altar to give to the Lord in some way and remember that someone has something against us... we are to go make it right, then come back and offer our promise to the Lord.

Included in this is prayer. Praying for each other helps us to love each other. This is true unless we have a demented prayer like the publican who said I am glad I am not a sinner like that man over there... We need to pray for the benefit of others that they may be blessed by God. We desire the success of those we love.

Safety is a big issue today. We rely on lots of devices to keep safe. From clothing to airbags to security systems, our protection is a concern. We desire to keep danger from affecting our personal safety. With break-ins seemingly everywhere, home security systems are the rage. Wireless installations and monitoring services make security effortless and reliable. If this is so necessary in our physical world why do people forget to protect their spiritual lives?

Spiritual safety is more important that the physical. If someone steals our stuff, it can be replaced. Even though our body can be harmed, that is only temporary, but the spiritual is eternal!

Many think we cannot protect our salvation. Like all of Satan's deceptions, that is partly true. On our own, we fail, but with Christ, we succeed. In fact, through out the Scripture we find instructions on how to protect your faith. Since the stories of the Bible were written to help us we can learn from them.

  • Adam and Eve... Teaches us to admit when we are wrong and not to pass the blame on others
  • Cane and Able... God tells Cain to master sin before it master him, he didn't listen :(
  • Jacob wrestled all night with the Angle of the Lord... Keep up the struggle, don't give up
  • Joseph ran from Potipher's wife... Run from the enticements of temptation
  • David was cut to the heart by the prophet Nathan... When faced with your sin, it should bring guilt and conviction.
  • Israelites told not to marry outside their religion... Protected the ways of the world from becoming theirs. sadly they didn't listen and they became like the world around them. :(
  • Our Spiritual Armor... Told to put it on so we can protect our salvation against the devil's attacks
  • Attend church... You can be encouraged by others

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